
I need to be able save several images from within a painting app that I'm working on. I will also need to be able to load those images and delete them from within the app. I need this to work solid on both iOS and Android. ( I also would like to be able to first check if there is enough disk space on the device to save an image, before trying to save it, to prevent crashing. )
What is the best way to do this from Stencyl?
-> I have tried the "Attribute Saving"-extension, it works ok, but it does not seem to keep the files separated, so for each image I save it takes much longer time to save the next one. So all images seems to shear the same data. And I need to have it separated in some way. ( Also I'm clueless about how to see if there is enough disk space on the device, before saving an file. )
Please help with some ideas, thanks in advance!