Pixel Drazgo


  • Posts: 24
Hello all! Two months developed his second game, and finally completed :D

The essence of the game is as follows: You are in a fairy-tale world, Where the grass is green on the ground and below ground - blue. You need to save the world from the evil wizards.

Controls: 'X' - Attak and 'Z' - Jump, and left and right arrows.

Else I wanted to do animation for the player when he falls. But could not, as artist out of me a bad one :D I'll be glad to hear about the existing shortcomings of games and that you enjoyed it.


« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 03:15:28 am by HarkBack »
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  • Posts: 875
I dont get how to jump

I tried like all the keys of my keyboard !!


  • Posts: 24
I dont get how to jump

I tried like all the keys of my keyboard !!
Some of the time. I now try to fix...

Ok, management has changed to: 'X' - Attak and 'Z' - Jump.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 03:12:33 am by HarkBack »
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  • Posts: 24
Advise how to make the game menu on the beautiful?
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  • Posts: 30

So... When I started playing this game I got repelled by the graphics, big-time. I'm aware that art takes time to create, but perhaps you should put a little more time in it. I mean, the character has terrible proportions, the rock-throwers and wizards are just build up from squares. The trees have the same pattern, that's transparent for no reason. Not to begin about the log that looks like corn.

Anyways, game-wise, I guess the game was pretty alright, the game certainly wasn't short as I spent quite some time playing it. Bosses were quite well made and had different ways of killing, which was a nice touch, although I got kinda tired of them being in the air constantly.

The animations were alright, I suppose, although the walking loop could really use some touching up. I recommend trying out a walk loop with a stick figure and basing the animation for your current character on it.

Overall, the game was quite okay, I can see it took quite some effort and it had some pretty smooth coding, no big glitches. My main problem is the visuals really, although there's also quite a lack of variation and challenge.

I hope you'll make something awesome out of this.
Need criticism on a game? Don't hesitate to PM me.


  • Posts: 67
Nice game! I beat it with a score of 27780! But I don't like how the music fades out when it ends. I also don't like some of those precision jumps where you're barely able to make the jump. The main character's walking animation could definitely use some work as well.


  • Posts: 24
Lympha, Meteos, Thank you! I for the next Games will be doing graphics on the Adobe Flash. And for this game i will try to redraw the chart. The music, too, no problems. Just before I could not find a suitable one. =)
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