Title: Fatty Genius
Genre: Action/Puzzle
Control:Arrows - Move
Arrow Down - Throw ball/Grab ball/Change between ball & professor
Arrow Up - Use/Jump
Double Arrows - Run
Description:The game is about the inventor who created a remote-controlled ball, which helps a lot in his adventures.
The problem is that the scientist has overweight, so speed and height of the jumps he makes is not that high. But the ball can reach high speed and jump over pits with inertia and hills!
The house where the inventor lives has a trouble with elevators: each elevator can only go up to the floor above. But the scientist needs to get to his office on the top of the building... stairs, as you understand, is not the best option for him).. so on each floor you have to go from one elevator to another. But to get there is not an easy task!
Features:-Play as professor & control ball by remote
-Tens of puzzle levels
-Funny & Cute pixel art style
Version 0.9:- No music/sfx
- 15 of 20 levels
Will be glad for feedbacks!!!)
FGL Link