Free Indie Games - This is my project !


  • Posts: 28

A new portal to publish your indie and casual games!

Hi! I want to show us my project :)
Indiexpo allows thousands of people to discover, watch and share originally-created games. Indiexpo provides an area for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small.

The FreankExpo also launched an YouTube channel where developers can send videos of their own games and there will published demos videos of popular indies.
There is a Facebook page where there will posted news and the people can easily contact the Staff.

The website is avaible in english, french, italian, spanish, german and several other languages.

We are growing up month by month, we're introducing many functions to make the website more powerful and efficient. we're pointing to be the best portal with only free indie and casual games of the world !

Join now!

« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 05:34:27 am by Freank »


  • Posts: 852
haha.. - To know sexy girls
btw it would be helpful for devs to know ur player base / weekly hits or something


  • Posts: 28
They are always growing. In July record of approximately 8,000 unique visitors. In August, a little less ('cause people go on holiday). September like July for now.
Add your flash game viking ! ^^

Thanks to the help of many volunteers, it has received over 310 games in a year since its foundation.
87% of developers back on the site which is improving every day ! Yeah ! XD


  • Posts: 852
:) added my game..
it seems a bit confusing because i thought it was an online portal, but turns out it is a place you can only download games, or refer links

« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 03:48:34 am by vikingpotato »


  • Posts: 288
I have made something simillar to this check it out it is still new
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

Audrey Hepburn


  • Posts: 28
Launched, after much work, the FreankExpo Mask IV.
The news:

- New HomePage
- New Game-Page
- FreankExpo-Arena : The ability to defy another game (with the same language and type of yours). And then to be rated for 10 days by other users. (To defy a game just click the button "Defy it"in the game-page of the game).
- Events : the admins of partner sites can create and / or promote events. And all users can participate and ask questions.
- New Grapichs
- More Social : you can share the games on Facebook and /or Twitter
- New Gallery
- Most visibility to the last games included

The next objectives:
-> To Reach 500 games.
-> More sexy girls on the site
-> New rankings to valorise the winner games of the Arena.
-> To Realize a playlist with the winners of rpgmaker Atelier Contest

And this is our youtube's channel :
If also you want your games in a video promo or on this channel... add your games on the . It's easy and fast

p.s. isome screen of nice game on the website :


  • *
  • Posts: 2891
I'm going to need proof of these "sexy girls" if you catch my flavor ;)


  • Posts: 28
hi guys !
good news !
We released the Mask V. A new version of the website.
Now you can upload your games also on our server ( max 20 MB),  better graphic, better (and more) features and statistics, more social, etc.
Now we're also releasing very nice reviews.
Give me your opinions :)


  • Posts: 28
Hi guys! I forgot this topic !
The website is changed ... really !
On our blog you can see all the news about it... the latest are :

- Feed Rss for your News !
See the News-Area of a Game page and click on the icon to see the Feed Rss and follow it.

- E-Mail Notifications
Added the email notifications and a Setting Area to customize it.

- Levels, Points and Powers !
Click on the icon on top-right and discover your level and powers !

- Added AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for each game.
- Added new Languages : Russian and Polish.
- Coming soon new games in exclusive. Stay tuned !

Share also your free games ! :D


  • Posts: 28
News !
- Too easy to "read" the feed rss of a game. Now you just put the link of the game page in your rss reader and it will works automatically !
- New chart about Most Downloaded (Last 30 Days)
- Added how many users follow a game
- New chart about the most followed games.
- Added new Statistics about your game
- In the game pages, now you can click on the left and make a search.
- Added a red label about the games that you can play online
- Now you can add hashtags in the description or in the comments
- Added the preview of the youtube-videos when you put a link.


  • Posts: 28

New features!
- New Goals
Click on the top right and see your level and your badges!
- improved Portuguese and Swedish language
Thanks to two users of the indiexpo community!
- added Dutch language
- improved SEO
- new email to contact the staff  (
 - over 1,300 Like on Facebook
- posted on YouTube a new video promo about the most important indie games of the 2016
- SubReddit (very new), where you can suggest new features or ideas!


  • Posts: 28
== New Features ==

Long Description

Now you can add also a long Description about your game, using also the MARKup to format the text.

"Fast" subscriptions
Now you can add a game to your subscription directly in home page, clicking on the heart. Easy and fast.

Added a new area called History, where you can find your latest downloaded games.

Fast Updates/News
You can write the last update about your game directly in the game-page

Thanks to the developer of this game (very nice, you should try!), now indiexpo is also in Chinese!

Level Up
Added​a surprise when you level up...! :)

== Changes ==

- new search bar in the mobile view

- now you can see the gems of the other users when they left a comment

- improved the Level area

- the indiepad (here the topic on this forum) has over 500 downloads! So we redesign the console area like a real virtual platform!


  • Posts: 28
Hi guys! Nice news!
We added several new features.
First of all:

  • User Pages
  • Embed

About the User Page

Clicking on the name of an author (of a game or comment) you can see/show your games, subscriptions and the latest games played!

You can also see/show the badges obtained on the website!
(To see all the badges, you can click on your own Level area)

About the embed

It's very cool, if you uploaded a html5 now you can click on the write "embed" and share your game on your own website, blog or forum.
Easy and fast!

aaaaand... other features:
  • restyle of the area about the game news and comments
  • added new medals to win! (we're improving also their notification settings in this period)
  • added the possibility to create a shortcut to the user page using @username
  • in home page now there's the area called "in the case you missed" with the latest news about the games that follow
  • improved the SEO of different pages (and it's increasing the traffic from Google! Yeah)
  • formatting system also in the comments area
  • new design of the game pages
  • added translation of the site in Korean (95% we're still completing it)

Indiexpo is growing up and more and more users are coming... which involves more and more work!

In this period we are completing also a new feature about the achievements (now testing) and a way to earn money through the site!
New exclusive games and several interviews on Facebook / YouTube by indie teams (really cool) are coming!
And thanks as always for your support! Several views from this community!
With your help we are reaching new goals and we are helping a lot of new developers with their games!
And stay tuned!


  • Posts: 28
We were born in small forums like this, we made a website with no money, no support by huge company and no superskills. We trained day by day and the website attracted several developers and players. There are still big Goliath to fight.

So, the 2017 was a great year for the indie games! So many cool games!

Those are the recently new features (and improvements) and the goals of the 2018!

first of all... The News!
- improved the view of the website for mobile (easy to read and to navigate)
- new area Challenges opened! It's in Events. It's still in beta but it's working good! The games showed are uploaded by few beta-devs
- improved the Console area
- improved the SEO of the Comments and News Pages

The Goals
- it's coming new games in exclusive for indiexpo. If you love the TV series, you have to play the first one! It's very cool!

- increase the visibility of the website in Russia, China, Corea and Japan
- to improve the Suggestions Area with the best games to play for each gamer
- we want to add a very transparent and good system to left the developers earn money. Also with a partnership program with few Devs!
- to add a Virtual Memory Card to start to play your game on Desktop... And continue to play it on Mobile
- to improve the indiepad feature, so the users can play those games automatically also on their phones.

You can read news and updates on our blog or see the best games on our Facebook page


  • Posts: 28
Oh, I have to update this topic! So.... let's start!

- New News Area!
Now you can see just two areas: Most Popular & Most Recent.
In the top you can see Recently Updated, clicking on the images you will go directly to the game's News Area (with the latest updates)

- Suggested Users
Now in the bottom of the User Pages, you can see 3 Users with their rank, to discover new players!

- New Stats
Added new Stats in your Game Page!

- Total Stats
Do you have more than one game? Watch the Your Games area to see the stats of all your games uploaded just in one place!

Watching movies, playing games, reading book. Spoilers are everywhere.

For this reason, we added a new way to write comments on indiexpo.
Now adding || this || you can write what do you want, hidding the text and to make the world safe for other players.

Just this? Oh, no baby.
Here it is another small feature. The Online Status.
In the Profile page (yours or another user), you can see if he is online or not!
Very easy.

We improved the design of the website, changing also the Subscribe Button!
Here it is the new one:

A new feature is the Subscribers List! Clicking on the subscribers number (near the players) you can see who is following a game. Like on instagram. Very easy

We are also improving the recommended algorithm in the home page, trying to suggest also the popular games of your favourite genre and of your language (observing your previous download and comments)

There are also two new interesting games that have the Score System of indiexpo!

Endless Combat Dungeon (for the retrogaming lovers)

Overlord's New Mansion (platform)

If you are logged, you can send your score in the online leaderboard automatically! Very easy and fast!
Try to be the BEST!

and  we can continue! ... you might have noticed new icons in the Notification area, that should make visualization more immediate.

In the homepage, we added a new mini-section, showing three random games that have recently gotten over 1000 players (still in testing stage, we're trying to see if people like it and use it).

Trending Games. By visiting the pages of games uploaded in the latest 30 days, you might have noticed 'Trending Games' written in some of them- indicating that that game is receiving a lot of attention when compared to other games uploaded in that timeframe.

Thanks to the help from the author of Knightin'+, the website has been entirely translated to Ukrainian. The translation, previously only 78% done, is now complete! And the new visits from Eastern Europe are already increasing!

Is it a real community? Oh, yes! We are publishing on indiexpo blog, several reviews of Game Developers for (new) Indie Devs with interesting projects!
The first one was about the pixel art, made by the pixel artist of Fantastico Studio, and the second one (posted few days ago) was about an adventure game by an artist of Ars Goetia Studio.

It's also started a new Easter Egg hunt! If you will play this game, Rookie Hero, and you will be the first to find the Easter Egg, you will win 500 Gems!
Remember to stay logged.

Other features added!

- Share Button
We added a button that allows to share your game much more easily and rapidly on a lot of social networks to every game page. It even comes with a QR code to print or scan, to share with anyone around you!

- More automatic checks during uploads
More automatic checks were added when a game developer tryes to create a new game page. Many kinds of checks were added, the most important ones put in place to avoid spam. Now, if a game developer tryes to make a page with an external download link, the site will automatically check if there are other games with the same external link. Furthermore, every user will be able to create a maximum of two game pages per day.

- The navigation bar has been improved
While before there were both a vertical and an horizontal navigation bar, now it’s all been included in the vertical one, which will allow you to move between different areas much more easily and rapidly.

- Added slovakian and persian support
Two new languages were added, once again thanks to the help of the indiexpo community! Adding persian is a remarkable milestone, as it makes indiexpo one of the first game hosting websites completely translated in an arabic language! We’re still fixing the site architecture relative to this new language (we gotta flip everything right to left)!

- Something new everyday!
The most recent edit, instead, was adding an area to the HomePage that will change every day. One day it will show “Games that have recently gotten more than 1000 players”, the next day it will show “The most recently followed games”, and the day after “The most relevant games that have no comments”, etc.

- More small things
New search filters in Advanced Search, new FAQ area, new User Titles depending on your level, bugs fixed regarding double notifications.

A new game has been published exclusively on indiexpo, Tony & Clyde (a low-poly adventure from a brasilian team, with a great color range and a perfect design), which was the first game featured on our latest video, the “Best of August”!

We introduced Verified Accounts, the Share button

we translated indiexpo into two new languages: Filipino and Thai!

With the help of several users from the indiexpo's community we translated the latest words and now also the younger developers and gamers, from Thailand and Philippines, can use the website easly!

It's also redesigned two areas of indiexpo, Subscriptions and Your Games (for game developers)

Now you can see the latest news and updates of the followed games and to left a comment faster!

Another new feature is about the Comments Area of the Game Pages. Now you can tag another user when you left a comment and he/she will receive a notification about it! And added a new anti-spam system!
And there are other small features like the possibility (finally) to change your password and email in Settings Area and to see the new UI of the Level Area!

And more has coming!

Stay tuned and play indies!

And it is out our new video "rewind" with the best indie games uploaded during this 2021!

Here you can find the games' list