Can you GUYS please add STENCYL to sourceforge?


  • Posts: 3
Hello Stencyl, and I want to say that I want you guys to Add Stencyl into! You'll get more awesome and popular! Please add, I want this awesome gadget to expand into modern world! ;)

And oh, please fix the 2.20 download mirror/link! Sometimes when I'm downloading, it suddenly stops at 5 MB, 51 MB, never 58.8!

So goodluck Stencyle! :)

Oh here's sourceforge link:


  • Posts: 198
i prefer actul links, like this one  :D i know, im picky
BTW wats sourceforge for anyways?
Only the determined can even try to make a game!
If u get an answer to ur question, edit topic title to [Solved] by "modifying" ur first post on the topic
Also, if you want ur link to say something else like this one, which leads to the Stencyl Arcade, you do this:
[ url= ]hello[/ url ]

Future Freak

  • Posts: 412
Sourceforge:  "Find, Create, and Publish Open Source software for free"

Stencyl is not open source.

ipe 369

  • Posts: 1001
The whole point of paying for stencyl is so that the dev team can keep this thing running, if you just give it away for free then it would never be updated.

ipe 369

  • Posts: 1001
Hahahah! That actually made my day!


  • Posts: 28
Jon is trying to make Stencyl 3.0 Open-source, by publishing the code to github.


  • *
  • Posts: 17524
Please don't misinterpret that statement. The actual move is to open source the Haxe-based *engine*, not the toolset itself.

We're finding that the engine stands to benefit the most from an open source approach, so that we can refocus our attention on the toolset.