Ghost Song

ipe 369

  • Posts: 1001
How long have you done general art that is certainly not pixelart for man, this shit is sensational, keep it up, this'll get you famous dude0.0

« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 01:45:47 am by ipe 369 »


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  • Posts: 1228
I'd say this is easily the prettiest game made with Stencyl, looks fantastic! And I know the animation is super smooth and fantastic too.


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  • Posts: 1667
Thanks for the high praise.

This is Ghost Dash.

You get this move midway in the game. It's useful as a travel mechanic (you can reach further areas) as well as an avoidance maneuver, as you briefly phase from physical matter and pass through most ordinary enemies and bullets. There is another function for it that I won't reveal here. :)

ipe 369

  • Posts: 1001
Bet that was difficult to code so you don't end up in a wall?


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  • Posts: 1667
Bet that was difficult to code so you don't end up in a wall?

The trick is to have two collision shapes. One is the dash shape, sensor, the other is a tiles only shape which connects with nothing but tiles. I use this one frequently for enemies who I want to have no physical presence in the world (otherwise they'll get pushed around and stuff when you run into them, which I don't like).

ipe 369

  • Posts: 1001
Aah yeah, good thinking. Excited to see how this develops.


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  • Posts: 1667
It just works like a quick short range dash, somewhat similarly to mega man x or some castlevania games.


  • Posts: 11
yes, looks very good indeed. It's great to see how passionate you are about your game! I'll keep an eye on it!


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  • Posts: 1667
thanks :D

couple new shots. I have some more diverse areas too which I'll be showing.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 09:12:50 pm by twotimingpete »


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  • Posts: 1667
This is a certain feral droid's lair, who has become sort of a pack rat in his years of isolation. He'll pester you a few times in the game. I used a nice lighting effect here by having a dark graphic covering the screen with a hole in it over the player, after applying some transparency and a blending mode, the result is very dynamic. It looks cool in motion.


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  • Posts: 6108


  • Posts: 163
Cant wait to see it in motion. :) Nicest looking game made with Stencyl!
You should consider making some tutorials for your graphical effects, I think that people would really appreciate it!
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