Actor floats off into sky when jumping?

When I test the game and press the key for the actor to jump he floats off into the sky.
Please help.


  • Posts: 7
Is when you set gravity, is the gravity set to: "down".

Where do you set gravity?


  • Posts: 7
You set it in: Your Scene -> Physics -> You will see Gravity change that to your gravity settings and then change to "down"


  • Posts: 117
hi.  i can help your problem
the reason why your actor fly when you press jump because you dont input the gravity at the scene.
1. select and open your scene
2. choose physics at tab scene.
3. input the gravity. standar gravity is 85.
but you can input what you like. im sugest to use 120 gravity.

btw i need your oppinion about my game.
there is my link

thanks :)


  • Posts: 117
select and open your scene. then chose psysics from scene tab.

btw i need your oppinion about my game

thks :)


  • Posts: 2691
btw i need your oppinion about my game

thks :)
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