Here is my final round of voting:

I'll explain.
10 Seconds - Okay so nothing special here, but also nothing that I immediately dislike. I'm thinking of some speed game where you have to complete each section in 10 seconds or less (you don't say).
Alchemy - On reflection I feel that I should have voted this one down but when I was first looking at it what came to my mind were great games where you utilise alchemy to power up your character in an RPG type game, not realising it was way too ambtious. If this comes up what I will probably end up doing is one of those 'unlock all the elements games' where you have to mix different elements to get different results.
Alternative reality - I down voted this because I prefer 'parallel worlds'. I also don't like the vagueness of it. It will make me spend more time planning the game than I want to.
Connections - Seems interesting enough but I'm not actually sure what type of game I were to make if this was to come up (not even a vague idea). This may add to the planning stages but I do like the idea which is why it isn't a -1.
Corruption - Uggh... Boring! I would be extremely bored if this were to come up. Reminds me of politics and I definitely would not like the topic to be this.
Darkness - I actually upvoted this on the first poll but on reflection I feel that the idea for a game I have, enveryody will have and therefore make it a worse game. Considering this, I don't want it to be the theme.
Death is Useful - Before the ludum dare I had an idea for a game like this and I know what type of game I will make if it comes up.
+1 8.
Evil vs Evil - No thankyou. How did this even get in the top 20? It just reminds me of bad games and bad themes.
Glitch - If this were to be the theme I feel that we would have lots of original ideas. It is better than deception and is my favourite of the topics there even though I don't already have a chosen game type.
Hunted - Seems interesting but I don't really have any strong opinions on this one.
Lifecycle - Reminds me of boring plant related games but if it were to come up I may make an evolution type game where you live the life of each person and it controls how you evolve over time.
Machines - Yes, I know this isn't the most original of ideas but for this it would be very easy to make 'nice' graphics.
Multi Layered World - Although a nice idea, I just feel that with the time limit it wouldn't work, especially if you are going to be doing really intricate design, it would have been +1 if it was a 2 week compo.
Parallel worlds - I prefer it to 'Alternative Reality' but I still feel it isn't original enough.
Replication - Cloning is nice but I don't want to piled up with this on a game jam, my imagination for it is too great however I do now feel that I should have given it a +0.
Space - There are too many space games already. I don't feel that I could get another original idea in.
Strange Power Ups - Sounds a bit childish to me, not something that I can work well with.
Surveillance - I have a great idea but I am keeping it secret.
Survival -Again, no strong opinion, not something I personally would choose but then again I feel that I could work with it.
You must leave it behind I have ideas going around my head but I'm not sure if they are original, I may just have to go with something completely random. I should have just voted it +0.