Pete The Petard


  • Posts: 852
Pete is a professional petard. His job is to carry explosives and blow up the enemy base.
When you play as Pete, you have to destroy all enemy supplies and troops, but you only get one chance as the loyal petard also blows up with his bomb!

Play  Pete, The Petard

My Ludum Entry Page

Solo entry for Ludum Dare 28 compo.
Final: Fixed the explosion glitch and bomb particle system i wasn't able to position due to sleep. Thanks for pointing it out.

Attached the logo for arcade

« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 12:02:41 pm by vikingpotato »


  • Posts: 852
Please report any bugs asap, i still have some 2 hours to address them.. Thanks
In the meantime, am off to Ludum page for the posting process.


  • Posts: 16
Hey Good game, really enjoyed figuring out how to complete each level, haven't found any bugs as of yet but will let you know. Well done!

Warzone Gamez

  • Posts: 711
I couldn't get it to load? I tried serveral times. The game looks good though.
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  • Posts: 149
Cool game!

Only thing I found was that the screen still shakes after you explode if you press space. Not really a bug, but since you already exploded it seemed a little weird!


  • Posts: 852
Check out the post-mortem of my 48 Hour Ludum Dare 28 entry: Pete, The Petard!



  • Posts: 852
Pete becomes one of the few stencyl games to find a place in the top 100 games in Ludum Dare 28, yay!

Here is the score:

It sucked not being mentioned anywhere in stencyl judging, but the game stood:
#90 Overall
#67 in Humor
#76 in Graphics
#59 in Fun

I am happy and consider this Ludum Dare to be a success. I will definitely complete and release the game.