Hello everyone!
I added
one last feature which was requested by many.
Different scaling modes additionally to the fullscreen mode.
Why? Fullscreen was too big (because it scales the game) on big screens while too small on smaller screens. I could not use unfortunately different screen sizes because most of the UI is looking at coordinates and not at for example half of screen to align.
What next?I am pretty sure that i consider this devlog done:)
I will still post numbers and performance of the game here but not post more around new features and development because i wont add any

Let me thank everyone who posted here and helped me. I love this community and i am thankful!
You all are wonderful:merrak, Luyren, Justin, squeeb, dtishin, JeffreyDriver, Alexin, mikhog, Tryzna, rob1221, colburt187, mdotedot, ikomnen, MadManAdam, xTage, Hectate, letmethink, ceosol, captaincomic, KylePreston, WayneAdams, MichaelPel, zhero, rrzl, Meestar, 1MrPaul1, FadedSketch, ETHproductions, koopke, yoplalala, irock, iii, hendriza01, gurigraphics, Natrium, chongyunxiang, suitcasenuke, Zve2tr, Crovaxus17, fillergames, domagojbulat, NickamonPoppytail, havana24, ViniciusAlves, kantieno, gameo
Thanks everyone!
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