Imgur Uploader (Toolset Extension)


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  • Posts: 4643
Imgur Uploader (Toolset Extension)
Works on everything that can run Stencyl and connect to the internet.
Note: you must be using Stencyl 3.1 (or private releases from 3/29/14 or later) for this to work.
Note: not created or endorsed by Imgur.

The Imgur Uploader toolset extension permits Stencyl users to quickly and easily upload screenshots from Stencyl to Imgur. This is extremely handy when you want to share your latest Scene screenshot, or the Behavior that is giving you trouble.

- Upload directly to your own account
- Upload anonymously
- Integrated directly into the "Take Screenshot" features of Stencyl
- Skip the "Save File" dialog - or not, if you want!

Get it
- Download this Extension- (mirror)
Special thanks to Justin for hosting the file.
(How to Install a Toolset Extension)

Once the extension is installed and enabled for your game(s), you can immediately begin using it to upload to Imgur anonymously.

However, it is recommended that you link the extension to your Imgur user account. The steps to do so are as follows:
0. Be logged into Imgur, or be prepared to log into Imgur.
1. In Stencyl, select the menu option Extension > Extension Manager.
2. Select the Options for the Imgur Extension.
3. Within the Options Panel, press the top button labeled "Open Browser".
4. Your default web browser will launch and direct you to Imgur.
5. Imgur will ask you if you want to permit access to your account for this extension. Allow it.
6. Imgur will provide you with a PIN for the extension.
7. Enter this PIN into the Options Panel's "Imgur supplied auth PIN" field. (you can press the "paste from clipboard" button also)
8. Press "Submit PIN"
9. If your PIN was valid, Stencyl will now have the necessary authorizations to access your account.
10. Press the "Save" button on the Options panel to close the panel.

Currently, the only other option besides authorization-related tasks is "Save Image To Disk". If you check this box, the extension will permit you to save the image to a file on your hard drive as normal. If it is unchecked, the Save File box will not appear.
This will permit you to both upload and save a local copy of your image if desired; or avoid the hassle of pressing "Cancel" every time that you don't want to save a local copy.

Whenever you press the Camera button to capture a screenshot in Stencyl, the Imgur extension is triggered. A small window will appear in the top left of your screen.

- Send to Imgur anonymously : this uploads the image anonymously (warning: at this time you will not have access to delete this image, or get the URL again later)
- Send to Imgur account : this uploads to your Imgur account. This button will not be enabled if you have not performed the authorization steps already.
- Copy URL to Clipboard : this copies the image URL to the system clipboard for easy use.

Version History

Released as part of the Polydes collection; v0.5.1 - 3/14/15
-Updated to work with current Stencyl versions

Initial Beta release; v0.5- 3/29/14
-- (later same day) Bug-fix
- upload anonymously
- authorize access to user account process
- upload to user account
- other minor initial features for ease of use (copy/paste, etc)

« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 11:54:25 am by Hectate »
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 1654
Hello Hectate,

Unfortunately I haven't got it to work with Win7 and/or WinXP in which I download the latest builds.

I'm on Build 7092.

  • In the %APPDATA%\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\extensions I've put your .JAR file.
  • Start Stencyl
  • In Extension Manager I see the extension and I can disable/uninstall it. But Options does not work
  • Website gives null

If I click the [*x*] screenshot tool, I do get the Dialog for the anonymously.
Clicking on it it gives me an error : sendToImgur: null
The URL that is given is :

When I use [copy URL to Clipboard] it will copy the URL.

Almost there !

Best regards from
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 4643 is just a temp string so it sounds like the encoding is failing to produce the Imgur URL. I don't know what might be failing with the Options Panel but I will put a debug jar out to see what it might be. Thanks for the update.
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 4643
Interesting. As it turned out, there was an uninitialized Boolean that was causing it to fail when trying to access it. It continued to work on MY computer because my ImgurExtension.eprefs (extension preferences - the "save file" for the options panel) still had a reference to that Boolean and would load it when attempting to reference it. So, for me, it was initialized. Go figure :)

If you downloaded it before this post, please download the updated version (once the link goes live in the OP above). It's live!

Special thanks for MdotEdot for helping test the issue!

« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 01:10:51 pm by Hectate »
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 4643
Note, with the soft-launch of 3.1, this toolset extension is no longer restricted to use by the customer-only private builds. Enjoy and let me know if there are any issues.
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 2891
Is this still being developed?


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  • Posts: 4643
I've not touched it since the last update. Why do you ask?
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 4643
This has been added to Justin's Polydes collection of open-source extensions. He has also graciously agreed to update it to work with current versions of Stencyl (if possible), since I'm on a different computer since when I made this and don't have everything set up for extension development at the moment.

Feel free to peruse the (terrible) code if you are interested in how the extension was made!
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


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  • Posts: 4643
Updated to work! Both links above are updated to the most recent version of Stencyl.

Thanks Justin!
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.