Nuggeta Extension: for multiplayer online games, Leaderboard, Chat and Inventory


  • Posts: 1654
Hello mvmsaikrishna,

Sorry, I'm not familiar with Apple's Game Center.
You have to show the scores yourself using the list. Also what I personally find confusing is that even when you overwrite the previous scores, all the scores made are stored and you have to filter them out yourself. But that is just how Nuggeta works. If you have complaints I hope you address them to the Nuggeta team. We merely made the connection between Stencyl and the Nuggeta API.

Hope you can work around the problem!

Best regards from
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 125
Hello Snake13,

You could use the coordinate system in the Nuggeta Extension to send your actor movements to the rest of the players but Nuggeta made their infrastructure for HaXe for turn-based systems. You can send (raw) messages to the others but you cannot get frame-perfect - collision detection-perfect or any other real-time coordinates from the other systems.
Work around it or wait for a real-time coordinate system to be made by someone.

Best regards from

Ludum Dare Game: Connected Worlds


  • Posts: 44
Hey guys, when I install this extension I can't find a "nuggeta" folder in the extensions folder. Has anyone else experienced this problem?


  • Posts: 1795
The extension folder should be in C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\engine-extensions.
If there's no nuggeta folder in there extract the zip file in there.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 44
Thanks, i was looking in the normal "program files" stencyl folder


  • Posts: 44
I've been trying to implement a leaderboard, and for the most part I've gotten it to work, however I'm having one problem. It works fine on the first time I open a scene, but on the 2nd time nothing happens. I think this is because the "startstatus.Ready" command only gets triggered the first time you connect to nuggeta. How do most people work around this, or is this problem only happening with me?


  • Posts: 1654
Hello Anglospanglo,

When you switch scenes a lot gets cleared from the game. Like all your actors on screen gets killed. Also the things you created in the Created event and other events.
So if you switch to a scene that does not make a connection to the nuggeta and an accompanying 'startstatus.ready' you don't have any connection to nuggeta anymore. (Workaround: make sure that you re-create the connection)

If you want persistency between scenes you can use Game Attributes. If you want to store your score for instance you put it in a Game Attribute or otherwise it will not be available in the other scene.

Hope this helps!

Best regards from
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 44
I'm creating the connection with nuggeta every time i start the scene. However, when I look at the logs, it only connects the first time I open it. So for example if I open that scene, then switch to another and switch back, it won't reconnect even though i have the connect to nuggeta command in the "when creating" event for the scene...


  • Posts: 1795
You're only supposed to connect once when you start your game. The extension prevents the Connect block from working every time you start that scene.
The problem is that you're chaining the responses:
 If connected -> Login -> If logged In -> Submit Score..etc.
Since you only connect once that chain will only work once, so you need to Submit the score outside that chain:
If connected -> Login -> If logged In -> Logged_In boolean attribute = true;
To send score:
If Logged_In boolean attribute = true -> Send score.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 44
Thanks I was able to get it to work now


  • Posts: 16
Thanks for you great extension which I was looking for and need it so bad for my game!
I was working on that for 2 days to find out how it works :D I am really beginner in stencyl and its my first game!
I wish you make a sample game to show all features of this extension
specially sending and showing high scores, which I need so much
and a PDF file which explain how to use, is so good too!

My problem now is When I show leaderboard in scene it just show numbers not player names
I have created a "List Attribute" in my game and when game connect to Nuggeta, leaderboard will be saved in my attribute
I have used drawing blocks to show items of attribute! but it just show numbers! how can I show player names and scores together?


  • Posts: 1795
Could you show us how are you sending the names to the leaderboard and how are you retrieving the leaderboard?
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 16
I have a text Attribute "player name"
in settings Player can input name
There is a submit score button which submit score and player name to LeaderBoard!
you can see details in attachments!

another problem I have is:
after submitting scores the leaderboard does nt show new score! Even while I have put a " do every 5 sec" block in events.
I have too use a refresh button to get new leaderboard scores!


  • Posts: 1795
Move the Nuggeta: If leaderboard response is [GetLeaderboardStatus.SUCCESS] block into the Always event, as that's where all response blocks must be placed. You're extremely unlikely to get a response from the servers exactly when you press the mouse.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers! Doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 16
oh sorry
I have find the problem
It was my mistake
I was using a unicode font to draw scores and my font does not have English alphabet
thanks so much for responds and your great extension!