Bone Up (Game inside)

Warzone Gamez

  • Posts: 711
Its a cute little game. Adding something like rain would really be awesome, maybe you could do that later on.
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  • Posts: 42
My Ludum Dare 29 entry: Bone Up


  • *
  • Posts: 28
Cute game. Fun graphics (except for the yellow text, which was a bit hard to read. ;) ) Bonus points for unexpectedly making me use a binary searching algorithm in a cute dog digging game. Well played sir.

Good work.


  • Posts: 42
Hehe.. To tell you the truth, I had to youtube binary search algorithm. It shows exactly how to beat the odds in the long run. Gets a bit tricky when there's three bones to find and it shows arrows to both ways.
My Ludum Dare 29 entry: Bone Up


  • Posts: 42
Here are my points. Pretty happy with them, for what it was. All in all a great experience and I'll be releasing a post compo game soon on android. I think I might have to release it as a kids game, because the coolness factor wasn't really there was it? ;)
My Ludum Dare 29 entry: Bone Up


  • *
  • Posts: 2279
Coolness was based on how many games you rated compared to how many people rated you.


  • Posts: 42
Aah, live and learn. I tried to rate a lot more than I was able to, but they were mostly .exe's, but I'm on a mac..
My Ludum Dare 29 entry: Bone Up