Scale screen ... who knows how to use - help advice!

Vadim Va

  • Posts: 26
Who can help me expert advice?
I do my game in the size 1280 * 720 (HD).
All textures and blocks I drew on the basis of this size.
Today I tried (as it is written in this article) to adjust the scaling of the game depends on different screen sizes.
I put in the settings - Settings - Display 1280*768 (as my smartphone)
But alas!
Whatever values ​​I did not put in the "Settings -> Web -> Scale Mode...."
+ Full Screen
+ Stretch to Fit
+ Scale to Fit (Fill)...
Nothing has changed.  In the browser game runs at a rate of 1280 * 720 and remained at the bottom of the black stripe.
If  ​​I put in the "Settings -> Web -> Scale" : x1.5  In the browser game runs at a rate of 1980 * 1080 and I could see only a part of the playing field!

When I put in the "Settings - Settings - Display" 640*480  in the browser game runs at a rate of 1280 * 720 and I could see only a part of the playing field!
If I put in the "Settings -> Web -> Start in Full Screen" game does not start at all!

Please help me understand how this function works increase depending on the size of the screen?
Thank you in advance for your help! :)


  • Posts: 91
I am not an expert and I definitely don't know how the function works, cause it is probably very complicated, but the mobile-app-scaling tutorial explains it rather good how we should use it.
For best results you put in the settings - Settings - Display smallest resolution you would like to support. For example 480x320 to support older iOS. Then you create all the graphics in much higher - x4 higher exactly - resolution. So you create all graphics in 1920 x 1280 res and import it with x4 setting at import screen. Then Stencyl will down-scale it. That way graphics look good on high resolution devices but also scales nicely in smaller resolution screens.
I have no idea why scale modes do not work for you. IT should like it shows in demo of

Vadim Va

  • Posts: 26
I have no idea why scale modes do not work for you. IT should like it shows in demo of
I also can not understand - and therefore written question on the forum! :)

Maybe the site was DEMO screen Android device?
Tab MOBILE no rigid binding "Scale: x1, x1.5, x2, x4"  with start of the game.
There are only  "Mode Scale" and "Max Scale"....
Maybe cause of the problem with the "WEB" in this?

I specifically created a "BALL" (test game) for better test the regime "Settings -> Web" 
In the game I did Actor - "Ball" and the Вackground - "image with whirlpool" (size 800*533 px).
"Repeat Вackground?" - no activity.
I set the stage size to 1280 * 704 (pic. Scene 1)
So it was a bit smaller than 1280 * 768  (pic. Scene 2)
When you first start, I installed:  "Scale = х1"  and "Scale Mode: No Scaling" (pic. Scene 3)
The game started up in the browser window and looked like this (pic. Scene 4)
Note that despite the "Scale Mode: No Scaling"  Background Color fills the entire screen size, going beyond the stage size to 1280 * 704 !!!
But regime "Settings -> Web -> Scale Mode: ...." do not work.
Although the information in the article:
When you activate the "Settings -> Web -> Scale Mode: ... (any) ..." nothing happens. The game started up in the browser window and looked like this as the "pic. Scene 4"

Regime "Settings -> Web -> Start in Full Screen"  do not work.
And when activated   "Settings -> Web -> Start in Full Screen"  game does not even run in the browser.
Also happened when I used "Events - toggle full screen mode" (pic. Scene 5) game does not even run in the browser.

"Settings -> Web" tab works for me only mode "Scale", where I can set what sprites are applied at "Stencyl" test run games in your browser (1x, 1.5x, 2, or 4 x - pic. Scene 6).  But then it turns a simple zoom in 1.5 or 2 or 4 times and the game goes beyond the designated screen size (pic. Scene 7 and pic. Scene 8   ).

Please if you are the Expert or author-developer "Stencyl" - help advice: what's the problem?! :)

« Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 12:38:33 pm by Vadim Va »

Vadim Va

  • Posts: 26
***The first two pictures are gaining too much - for full details or download them better to move to the right.

Scroll through the site "Stencyl" I thought that the cause of my problem can be eliminated by installing a new version:
Build 7305 - May 23, 2014 - Desktop Full Screen was causing Flash games to draw as blank.
I downloaded and installed the new version 7305.
But the problem remained.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 05:43:39 am by Vadim Va »

Vadim Va

  • Posts: 26
Sorry, guys!
But no one can give advice on the subject?