Character lifting off of the tiles and falling over.


  • Posts: 4
Hi. I have set up my character in stencyl.  I have created Idle and walking animations for it. When i walk, however, my character lifts off the ground a little and eventually falls over.

My collision boxes are wrapped tightly around my actors.


  • Posts: 2691
Make sure the actor is set to not rotate in the physics settings.
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  • Posts: 545
Try this.  Enable debug drawing (menu -->Run-->Enable debug drawing).  Watch how your actors collision boxes move along the tiles.  Could be some  frames with uneven collision boxes causing the problem.


  • Posts: 2068
thanks for sharing my channel =)

it could indeed be your collision box. did you scale your actor when you placed it in your scene? tis might cause some trouble since the collision box ist scaled with it.
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  • Posts: 4
Fixed it. Actor was too big. Simply resized all images and re added them to stencyl, then resized the collision boxes to fit the new images.