Parallax using actors


  • Posts: 2
Hi guys
I've been researching this topic for a couple of days now and some of the more helpful posts I think point to Stencyl 2 resolutions which are now unhelpful.  There is a parallax behaviour on StencylForge but this doesn't seem to work.

My questions is: does anyone have a working, relatively simple method or guide for implementing some parallax on actors?

I've tried running enormous transparent PNGs in background/foreground but run out of memory pretty quickly so this method would be the best design solve.


  • Posts: 84
I downloaded the Parallax Behaviour recently and discovered that if you have the vertical parallax set, it seems to put the actor way below where you positioned it in the scene. Did you experience this. It's really annoying and the solution is to turn off vertical parallax or go into the behaviour and make some changes - but i haven't done that yet as i'm still scrawling through the Forums for answer - many that never get answered.  You can then change the attributes for any actor that uses this behaviour. I am surprised you haven't had any relies so far omnivore as this effect is so important in 2D games.