Version 1.0.1
"The Patriots Win the Superbowl in 2015"
What's New- Can use BitmapFonts directly. Get
AngelCode's BitmapFont Generator to take advantage of it. This can be used to create your own custom pixel fonts. (Either learn the AngelCode format and do it manually, or create a ttf for your font. I'll probably make it easier later.)
Create a pixel TTF- Support for spaceless languages like Chinese and Japanese.
- Works for scaled games.
- Options that only appear in the choice window if a certain condition is met
- saytoscene, saytoactor, now include an “args” argument
- Added property “destroy_tween” to windows.
- Can have multiple type sounds, which will be played at random.
- New preference for Dialog Options: inactiveTime (number of milliseconds before input is accepted)
- All "Textbox Scripts" prefs moved to "Dialog Base". Textbox Scripts was removed.
- I've added conditional dialog options, tweening, and some Japanese text to the demo.
What needs to be changed?- Replace the "dialog" folder in the extensions directory.
- <option ["Text" "DG" "Text 2" "DG 2"]>
is now
<option [
["Text 1" "DG 1" (condition)]
["Text 2" "DG 2" (condition)]
["Text 3" "DG 3" (condition)]
with (condition) being optional.
Also you can use <choice ..> instead of <option ...> if you prefer.
- <saytoscene "Behavior Name" "Message">
is now
<saytoscene "Behavior Name" "Message" [Arg1 Arg2 ....]>
<saytoactor> changed in the same way. The args are optional.
- Windows defined in "windows.txt" also have a "destroy_tween" property now.
- "xx.prefs.txt", move everything under "Textbox Scripts" to "Dialog Base"
- "xx.prefs.txt", add "inactiveTime" pref to "Dialog Options"