Princess Protector


  • Posts: 89
Princess Protector

As a knight, you are sworn to protect the Princess. You must rescue her from the clutches of monsters and guide her safely past the perils of this land. Your duty is to return her to the castle.

I love the Dialogue Extension! Thank you, Irock and Justin.

I'm having a lot of fun making this game. The finish line is in sight and I'll be working on it until the deadline. It would be nice to have some feedback prior to submission. Hopefully self-testing will be adequate.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 10:15:20 am by xcmn »


  • Posts: 89
Alright, she's up and running folks!


Stencyl Arcade

I'm utterly pleased with myself. This game has taken my Stencyling abilities to a new level. Everything I wanted to do I was able to figure out. Every time I hit a wall, I surpassed it. If I couldn't do it one way, I thought of another. That's what's neat about game-making to me. Sometimes the way you decided to do something doesn't turn out and the way you come up with to get around it ends up being better.

It helps having good CCO art to work with. The only art I made myself was the fireballs, which are decent.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 03:17:59 pm by xcmn »