Will it work when running game from projector/internal FP?
@Jens: How did you do it for Loony Box? Would you share some details of your pregame-ad implementation?
Code: MochiAd.showInterLevelAd( {clip:FlxG._game, id:GameState.mochiID, res:"640x480", ad_started:function():void{Mouse.show();}, ad_finished:function():void{switchScene(2, createFadeOut(((1000*0.25))), createFadeIn(((1000*0.25)))); Mouse.hide(); }});
PS: ...{switchScene(2, createFadeOut(... This was another scene for me of course. It's quite annoying to find out what the internal name for a scene is... the best way for now is to add a scene-transition-block and then look into the code...