view inside a view?


  • Posts: 44
is it possible to have a view of a region to draw to a hud?
basically a view inside a view
like this..


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  • Posts: 2263
Isnt that the same as you asked previously with your how to create a scene inside a scene question?


  • Posts: 534
You could make a "MASK" as a Fullscreen Object with a hole and inside the hole you can see the scene. Do you know what i mean ?


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  • Posts: 2263
I told him that in his other topic.


  • Posts: 44
TheIndieStation no I want to draw the region to a region
I don't want to use just a hud as then the player can go outside it
and he won't trigger things like the screen wrap
and switching him to always active doesn't do me anygood


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  • Posts: 2263
I don't want to use just a hud as then the player can go outside it

Like I explained in your other topic, if you use code to limit that, it will work perfectly.


  • Posts: 44
you still haven't explained how to do that

I need to shrink the game screen down to fit the hud not draw them on top of each other

« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 02:37:50 pm by Shadowblitz16 »


  • Posts: 44
You could make a "MASK" as a Fullscreen Object with a hole and inside the hole you can see the scene. Do you know what i mean ?

ya i have tried that
I need a way to sepreate the hud and the view


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  • Posts: 2263
If I would give you the answer right away, you wouldn't learn from it =)
What have you tried so far? Can you give me a screenshot?

 I also said it would be very easy. If it was something moderate/difficult to do, I would have given you more direction.


  • Posts: 44
sorry I'm not trying to sound rude
anyways basicly I'm trying to do split screen only with a hud
I have tried anchoring the hud to the screen and  then using a view to follow the player,NCJUgId


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  • Posts: 2263
So what exactly is not working then?
If you anchored the HUD image/actor to the screen, it will always follow the camera which is good. Then what you need to do is to make the camera follow the little jet fighter thingy but instead of making it follow him directly (which will keep your player ship in the center of the screen, not the play screen), you need to use the set camera to (x of self - OffsetX) and (y of self - OffsetY) to keep the player in the center of the play screen. Offset X and OffsetY are number attributes where you have to find out the correct values yourself. After you fixed that you have to limit the player movement so it cant go to the edge of your scene like I said before =)

Good luck!


  • Posts: 44
ok  its centered but the ship still goes offscreen(behind the hud) when its  at the scenes edge
I need a way to make the camera follow the player intill it hits the scene edges and not the scene edges plus the hud edges


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  • Posts: 230
what do you want to achieve once it reaches the edges? Screen wraps, invisible walls, or something else?
::: It's never too late, unless you're dead. Maybe not even then. :::


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  • Posts: 2263
Ill give you some screenshots tomorow when im home again.