If anyone working on the toolset could give me a hand; currently when you publish to html5, it only creates a .zip of C:\Users\usernamer\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\games-generated\gamename\Export\html5\bin\assets when it should create a .zip of all of: C:\Users\usernamer\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl\stencylworks\games-generated\gamename\Export\html5\bin\
This means that to publish you have to test and then create a .zip of this by hand.
Also, on another note, currently to build your game for web, for it to work on firefox - edit around line 52 of the file located here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Stencyl\plaf\haxe\lib\openfl\openfl\openfl\_internal\renderer\canvas\CanvasShape.hx
to read:
if (graphics.__bounds.width > 0 && graphics.__bounds.height > 0){
if (scrollRect == null) {
context.drawImage (graphics.__canvas, graphics.__bounds.x, graphics.__bounds.y);
} else {
if (scrollRect.width > 0 && scrollRect.height > 0){
context.drawImage (graphics.__canvas, Math.ceil (graphics.__bounds.x + scrollRect.x), Math.ceil (graphics.__bounds.y + scrollRect.y), scrollRect.width, scrollRect.height, Math.ceil (graphics.__bounds.x + scrollRect.x), Math.ceil (graphics.__bounds.y + scrollRect.y), scrollRect.width, scrollRect.height);
Rather than what it is currently:
if (scrollRect == null) {
context.drawImage (graphics.__canvas, graphics.__bounds.x, graphics.__bounds.y);
} else {
context.drawImage (graphics.__canvas, Math.ceil (graphics.__bounds.x + scrollRect.x), Math.ceil (graphics.__bounds.y + scrollRect.y), scrollRect.width, scrollRect.height, Math.ceil (graphics.__bounds.x + scrollRect.x), Math.ceil (graphics.__bounds.y + scrollRect.y), scrollRect.width, scrollRect.height);