!! Ojya Leaderboard Facebook Extension !! V13a - Facebook API 13 - RELEASED -


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Ojya Leaderboard version 10
Facebook API 3

Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score

OjyaLeaderboard V10 is released !  With the most vast update ever made, after facebook API 3.0.

- Functionality remains the same as before.
- Developer can choose 2 methods for the score hosting. Facebook server(as before) or the new SQL-Database
- Clever mechanism that will transfer the scores made from facebook server using API 2.9 to the new score mechanism.
   In case the developer has published the game just.
- Post to timeline , challenge and game celebration now has more information, like title, description,game name and link.
- Post to timeline now requests an ftp server for generating custom images with full text information.
- Easy setup for the whole leaderboard , facebook part, ftp and SQL.
- New PDF 'OjyaLeaderboard V10 Install' for step by step guide to install and setup OjyaLeaderboard.

With this update OjyaLeaderboard not only solved many facebook API 3.0 depreciations, but became even better.
Introducing also the sql score hosting, now you have complete control of your leaderboard , without the risk to break the functionality with feature updates or depreciations.
For using all the functions of OjyaLeaderboard V10, you need to have a web-hosting(ftp,sql) and of course a facebook app, as before.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

Full text detailed autogenerated image and clickable . API 3.0

Game celebration post . API 3.0


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard version 10c
Facebook API 3

Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score

OjyaLeaderboard V10c with support for Stencyl 3.5

- Functionality remains the same as before.
- Major update in code inside the OjyaLeaderboard6 extension.
- No more inthebox-macros needed to install.
- Minor changes inside the Ojyaleaderboard game, mostly for graphics and panning-drag behavior of the leaderboard map.

OjyaLeaderboard V10b for Stencyl 3.4 will be released also without the need to download 'inthebox-macros'.

Although Stencyl 3.5 has recent versions of Haxe , lime and openfl , there are some improvements yet to be made. Mostly on Android's fps.
So as the Ojyaleaderboard game is almost identical for both Stencyl 3.4 and 3.5 i will support both versions.

Out in a few days ..

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: August 10, 2018, 06:44:27 am by andyvene »


  • Posts: 472
Looking forward to checking it out.


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard version 10c
Facebook API 3

Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score

OjyaLeaderboard V10c with Stencyl 3.5 support

- New feature 'AllUsersScores' : share scores with all users that have installed the game or only with the facebook friends.
- Improved camera-panning for the leaderboard map code.
- Major update in code inside the OjyaLeaderboard6 and 7 extension.
- No more inthebox-macros needed to install.
- Support for both Stencyl 3.4 and Stencyl 3.5.
- Only 3 Stencyl blocks differences in the game between Stencyl 3.4 and Stencyl 3.5
- Almost identical the two OjyaLeaderboard extensions , 6 and 7, for both Stencyl versions.

Although Stencyl 3.5 has recent versions of Haxe , lime and openfl , there are some improvements yet to be made. Mostly on Android's fps.
We strongly recommend to stay on Stencyl 3.4 for Android development as it is really bullet proof and with FPS 58-60 score.
For iOS development Stencyl 3.5 is very good as performance as Stencyl 3.4.
So i will continue to release for both versions one for Stencyl 3.4 and one for Stencyl 3.5.
The code inside the extension and in the game is almost identical.

OjyaLeaderboard is your swiss army knife for game leaderboards or just general facebook use.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

Information about the changes:
The changes from Stencyl 3.4 and 3.5 inside the game were only 2 blocks used in 3 places only.
Block 'Random float from x to y' and block 'Keep Actor Always Alive'.
As OjyaLeadeboard is based on Actors and scene behaviors it is really easy to develope with one version and import the behaviors in the other Stencyl version keeping in mind the new blocks in Stencyl 3.5.
Also inside the two extensions 6 and 7 the haxe code is identical.
So developing for both version is easy and not time consuming.

« Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 06:32:03 am by andyvene »


  • *
  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard version 10c
Facebook API 3

Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score

*  'AllUsersScores'  feature  *

With this new feature in version 10c , first introduced in OjyaLeaderboard for Unity3D, you can decide if the player can share score information with all users that have installed the game or only with the facebook friends.
Very useful for some type of games that needs a more complete leaderboard , like quiz or some internet games in general.
Activated with the pop-up permission at the first launch ever of the game.
Valid with both server game modes, facebook-server score hosting or SQL-Database score hosting.

Permissions dialog asked only once

And don't forget that the Ojyaleaderboard game is a finished leaderboard, ready to get customised also graphically in only 20 min for your game needs.
Watch this video tutorial
  Youtube Creating the leaderboard map

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 09:30:16 am by andyvene »


  • Posts: 710
Hey, this extension looks awesome!!

Quick question, i see it's using the Facebook SDK, does it use core for analytic s?



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  • Posts: 135
Yes, there is the facebook analytics , but the primary function. Not the single events or custom events that you can make.
So, you can see the installations and the use, when the player launch the game to play .So basic statistics for your game in your facebook developer site.
You can enable it or disable in your game.

The list of the basic analytics informations is:
  • App Installs
  • App Launches
  • FB Login
  • Share Dialog Results (Post Challenge or game celebrate Ojyaleaderboard calls)
  • New User Activity
  • Session end

« Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 08:26:34 am by andyvene »


  • Posts: 710
Okay, that might be enough for what I need :)

I'll purchase the extension within the next few days, thank you for taking the time to reply


  • Posts: 710
Hey andyvene,

What's the actual price of this extension? On the forum, it states 15 euros, but on the site it's 48 euros (confused dot com)  :)


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  • Posts: 135
48 euros.
They have to update it the guys from Stencyl. This was the first price, 3 years ago


  • Posts: 710
Ahh I see, thanks for clarifying and the quick response


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  • Posts: 135
Don't worry.


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For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


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  • Posts: 135
Thanks Justin !
Didn't know that.


  • *
  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard version 10c
Facebook API 3

Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score

*  Facebook App Review  *

With the new facebook api 3.0 and above, changes have being made in section G inside the PDF,  so you can obtain easily the facebook app review of your game.
Detailed information of how to make the review,  how Ojyaleaderboard game uses the calls, the user information that the game shares with other players  and where the facebook team give more importance.
This information actually it is ready to copy and paste in your app review for your game.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard