Ojya Leaderboard version 10c
Facebook API 3
Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score
OjyaLeaderboard V10c with Stencyl 3.5 support
- New feature
'AllUsersScores' : share scores with all users that have installed the game or only with the facebook friends.
- Improved camera-panning for the leaderboard map code.
- Major update in code inside the OjyaLeaderboard6 and 7 extension.
- No more inthebox-macros needed to install.
- Support for both Stencyl 3.4 and Stencyl 3.5.
- Only 3 Stencyl blocks differences in the game between Stencyl 3.4 and Stencyl 3.5
- Almost identical the two OjyaLeaderboard extensions , 6 and 7, for both Stencyl versions.
Although Stencyl 3.5 has recent versions of Haxe , lime and openfl , there are some improvements yet to be made. Mostly on Android's fps.
We strongly recommend to stay on Stencyl 3.4 for Android development as it is really bullet proof and with FPS 58-60 score.
For iOS development Stencyl 3.5 is very good as performance as Stencyl 3.4.
So i will continue to release for both versions one for Stencyl 3.4 and one for Stencyl 3.5.
The code inside the extension and in the game is almost identical.OjyaLeaderboard is your swiss army knife for game leaderboards or just general facebook use.Visit our site
Ojya LeaderboardInformation about the changes:
The changes from Stencyl 3.4 and 3.5 inside the game were only 2 blocks used in 3 places only.
Block 'Random float from x to y' and block 'Keep Actor Always Alive'.
As OjyaLeadeboard is based on Actors and scene behaviors it is really easy to develope with one version and import the behaviors in the other Stencyl version keeping in mind the new blocks in Stencyl 3.5.
Also inside the two extensions 6 and 7 the haxe code is identical.
So developing for both version is easy and not time consuming.