!! Ojya Leaderboard Facebook Extension !! V13a - Facebook API 13 - RELEASED -


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  • Posts: 731
Hi, I'm really interested in buying this extension,  can you tell me how much control I get over the fonts used/position/ appearance of the pop ups?


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  • Posts: 135
the popups i use are pngs , Stencyl image instances, with the description just written. So you can just create it using illustrator, photoshop or other graphic application.
Are located inside the 'extras' folder of the game.
So, you have complete control on changing the aspect and the text.
Example: If you want for a certain popup to change the aspect and the text, create one you like , even with different size, but use the same name of the png located in the 'extras folder'.

Or if you prefer you can create a blank popup and use Stencyl fonts, using Stencyl's block 'Draw Text on Image'. Where Image is your png-popup in the 'extras' folder.
 In that way will be more dynamically the text.

The buttons are actors.

There is also a custom block that generates the popup with the selected buttons you like automatically, positioning the popup in the right middle position of the screen even i f you change the size of the popup.
So, i created some blocks to save time when changing the popup, without strangeling  to calculate again the X and Y position on the screen.
There is one custom block that creates all the popups the game uses, except those posting to facebook game.celebrate opengraph story and challenging other players posting to facebook timeline.

Automatic popup dialog creation custom block with slide effect and actor-buttons

Priority has the top margin, but will never slide down so to cover the buttons. This is defined by the bottom margin.
So everything is calculated and will work fine even if you change the size of the png popup.

Then, to close the popup there is a custom block inside Ojyaleaderboard behaviour named: 'closefbpopup'

The trigger 'PopupDialog' defines and executes 4 popups you see using Ojyaleaderboard.( Asking permissions, no internet connection, no user data found and prompts to connect in internet, creating scores first time)

This is a complete dialog creation and opening in just 3 blocks.

This is a complete dialog creation with blank popup and text dynamically defined inside Stencyl

« Last Edit: September 12, 2018, 07:10:53 am by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 731
Great, that really clears thing up for me! I will definitely be buying this in the near future.


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard version 10d
Facebook API 3

Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score

- Minor changes in the code inside the games, for Stencyl 3.4 and 3.5.
- Change  in the native code for iOS for both Stencyl 3.4 and Stencyl 3.5 latest builds.
- Performance test with success for iOS and Android latest versions (6.x and up) using the latest Stencyl 3.5 builds.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


  • Posts: 710
Hey Andyvene,

I'm running through your video tutorial to set up the Facebook application and I'm at this part: https://youtu.be/4gr7ukqTsSw?t=354.
I'm struggling to find the 'Opengraph' option that you mention. Are you able to point me in the right direction, please?



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  • Posts: 135
There is no opengraph option. Is depreciated from API 2.7 i think. Almost a year ago.
You cannot create custom opengraph stories.
There is no need also to create an object id , i think it was for the apprequests.

You only need to provide those 3 values from your facebook app developer site.
Read only the PDF : OjyaLeaderboard Install v10d.  Nothing else.
Now it is much simple to configure Ojyaleaderboard.


  • Posts: 710
Awesome! Even better! Thank you for the quick reply!


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  • Posts: 135
Yes. Do that.
I have created this PDF with the install procedure and also the configuration.
Configuration for both the facebook part variables and also for the ftp-host sql-database variables.
Take just time and follow the steps.
Once you have done it, you will see that you can configure next time from scratch a new facebook app and ftp-host, sql-database etc in only 20 min.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 12:35:30 pm by andyvene »


  • Posts: 710

So I've been following the PDF best I can, when I try and build my game through xCode, it fails with
Code: [Select]
/Users/me/Google Drive/Thieving Pixels/Games/stencylworks/stencylworks/engine-extensions/OjyaLeaderboard7/OjyaLeaderboard.hx:862: characters 6-22 : Cannot access private field voidResponse
That line in the file is related to FTP:
Code: [Select]
Any ideas what I've missed/done wrong?



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  • Posts: 135
Please,  write in my email for support-technical  aspects. 


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard version 10d
Facebook API 3.2
* Stencyl 3.4 and 4 *

Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score

Ojya Leaderboard Stencyl extension and game-leaderboard project is compatible with the new public release of Stencyl 4.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard version 10d
Facebook API 3.2
Stencyl 3.4 and 4

* Promo for 10 days *

Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score

Discount for 10 days the OjyaLeaderboard Extension, for the launch of Stencyl 4.0

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard 10f game patch
Facebook API 3.2
for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0

* Promo for 10 days - 33% off*

Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score

Although Ojyaleaderboard has always being an only facebook host solution for a complete leaderboard, from facebook API 3.0 and above, for using the ojealeaderboard's full feature, posting user generated images , must have an FTP server host.

Now, with this patch the developer can use also fixed images,not user generated, to post on facebook timeline celebrations and challenges, without the need of having an FTP server host.
Example: fixed url images and links on the web different for each level of the game. Urls can be at the developer's site or any other public place.

In that way Ojyaleaderboard can be used only with the facebook server for scores and also facebook posts.

It is a very simple patch and easy for the developer to change it as he wants.
Instructions of this mod  and how to define the fixed images and links, are inside the PDF of the zip file.


Customers will receive the patch in a couple of days.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 12:34:14 am by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard 10f
Facebook API 3.2
for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0

* Released *

Facebook Server host score
or Sql-database score

- Ojya Leaderboard 10f , extension and game now supports posting to facebook without the need to have an ftp server, using fixed images and urls.
So it can be an only facebook server leaderboard, if the developer wants to.

- Solved posting a game celebration , after the depreciation of 'games.celebrate' and other opengraph facebook actions.
   Features and post-results remains the same.

For the changes please refer in the pdf, section 'D' part 'c',  'Opengraph post and challenge post'.

Ojya Leaderboard is the most complete facebook leaderboard ever made with unique mechanism for the score , sharing game objects and posting to facebook.

Customers will receive the update in a couple of days.

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 10:03:56 am by andyvene »


  • Posts: 536
Was looking at this extension and was wondering if this will allow publishers and such to track CPI and game retention and stuff like that. The reason I ask is some of them require facebook SDK and analytics and was hoping this was the extension I needed. Thank you!