!! Ojya Leaderboard Facebook Extension !! V13a - Facebook API 13 - RELEASED -


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v11a
Facebook API 7
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 and 4.0.2

Ojya Leaderboard V11a Released

- Minor fix on leaderboard game only. Issue when facebook user cancels his/her facebook profile.
- Compatible with the new facebook Api 7.0
- Tested also with Stencyl private build 10543

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: June 05, 2020, 05:57:36 am by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v11a
Facebook API 8
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 5.x

for Stencyl 3.4 , 4.0.2 and 4.0.3

- Compatible with Facebook API 8

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v11b
Facebook API 8
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 8

for Stencyl 3.4 , 4.0.3, 4.1.0


- Compatible with Facebook API 8
- Updated Facebook SDKs for android and iOS to the latest version 8. (Also 7 available on request of the developer).
- Fixed depreciated facebook calls.
- New mechanism for reducing facebook api calls without compromising the leaderboard normal usage.
(Facebook api changes of October 2020)

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 10:42:59 pm by andyvene »


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  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v12
Facebook API 9
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 8

for Stencyl 3.4 , 4.0.4, 4.1.0


- Compatible with Facebook API 9
- Updated Facebook SDKs for android and iOS to the latest version 8. (Also 7 available on request of the developer).
- New mechanism for reducing facebook api calls without compromising the leaderboard normal usage.
(Facebook api changes of October 2020)

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard

« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 03:23:58 pm by andyvene »


  • *
  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v13
Facebook API 9
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 8

for Stencyl 4.0.4, 4.1.0


- New code for loading image user profiles.
- Extensive throughout testing, in every part of the leaderboard, handling facebook errors and connection problems and still drawing the leaderboard.
- Speeding up drawing with many players.
- Improved cache mechanism.
- New mechanism for reducing facebook api calls without compromising the leaderboard normal usage.
(Facebook api changes of October 2020)

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


  • *
  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v13a
Facebook API 10
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 8

for Stencyl 4.0.4, 4.1.0


- FB API 10.0 compatible
- New log mechanism for iOS and Android on every part of the code. Disactivated with one boolean.
- New code for loading image user profiles.
- Extensive throughout testing, in every part of the leaderboard, handling facebook errors and connection problems and still drawing the leaderboard.
- Speeding up drawing with many players.
- Improved cache mechanism.
- New mechanism for reducing facebook api calls without compromising the leaderboard normal usage.
(Facebook api changes of October 2020)

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


  • *
  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v13a
Facebook API 10
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 8

for Stencyl 4.0.4, 4.1.0


9 Steps, to see how simple is to configure Ojya Leaderboard game..

Facebook part.
1. Create your facebook app and also a test app of this app if wanted.
2. Create also some test users.
3. Now copy your 'facebook AppID' and 'AppSecret' inside 'FBAppPref' Stencyl Scene behavior.
4. Copy also the 'Facebook Display Name' inside the 'include.nmml' file of the extension.

WebHosting SQL-Database part.
1. Create a free or paid site using a web hosting server, like 000Webhostapp or 5gbfree.
2. Now copy the FTP 'server', 'username' and 'password' inside the 'FBAppPref' Stencyl Scene behavior section.
3. Copy also inside that section the URL of your site.
4. Now, with an FTP client copy the 2  files inside your ftp main directoty. (files: 'scoresojya-stencyl.php' , 'tagojya-stencyl.php')
5. Next go to your webhost site panel and create one sql database. It is just one click.
    After that just copy the 'database name', the 'username' and the 'password' inside the 'FBAppPref' Stencyl Scene behavior section.
Ojyaleaderboard will configure automatically the database for you.
This is done only once by activating the boolean 'initializeSQL' to 'true' and testing the game.
After that just set the boolean to 'false'.
(inside always 'FBAppPref' Stencyl Scene behavior)

« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 02:12:42 am by andyvene »


  • *
  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v13a
Facebook API 11
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 8

for Stencyl 4.0.4, 4.1.0


- Ojya Leaderbord is compatible with the new facebook Api 11

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


  • *
  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v13a
Facebook API 12
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 8

for Stencyl 4.0.4, 4.1.0


- Ojya Leaderbord is compatible with the new facebook Api 12

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard


  • *
  • Posts: 135
Ojya Leaderboard v13a
Facebook API 13
Facebook iOS Android SDKs 8

for Stencyl 4.0.4, 4.1.0


- Ojya Leaderbord is compatible with the new facebook Api 13

Visit our site Ojya Leaderboard