I am giving away copies of all of my Stencyl games you can use royalty free...


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  • Posts: 98
Drive 5 On Developer Boost


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  • Posts: 98
Just an update I was having some trouble getting Drive 5 out, it is now available for download on Developer Boost


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  • Posts: 98
Just Added Sign Man's Revenge, Available Now on Developer Boost, and Ready to use for your game.


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  • Posts: 98
Raptor In Sneakers, Available tomorrow on Developer Boost, use it to create your own Caveman Chomping Adventure.


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  • Posts: 98
Heres what is happening on Developer Boost today, we are releasing Raptor in Sneakers, as well, we are adding an app outline section that will highlight other user interfaces besides games, our first addition to the new section is an app called 'Client Keeper' it is designed to keep track of your clients and offer insights on their personal likes and dislikes, favorite drinks and more, it is perfect for anyone dealing with clients, or working in the service industry such as bar tenders, and will surely be a hit.  Available for Stencyl, happy Stencyling.
As usual you can use everything royalty free, there is no sign up or registration needed just visit the site and download what you want.


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  • Posts: 98
New Addition to Developer Boost, Touch to smash action!!! Pre configured for iOS but good for any platform. Free, no sign up no mentions, just download what you want.


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  • Posts: 98
Raptor in Sneakers, get the free stencil file at Developer Boost


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  • Posts: 98
Today we will be opening the App Code, section of Stencil files on Developer Boost, Tomorrows free file release is 'Tilty Maze' a game that utilizes the accelerometer function and allows players to roll a ball over terrain and across bridges in order to seek out items and complete checkpoint, don't fall from the maze or you have to start over, also watch out for traps! We are dedicated to offering game samples in all areas and utilizing all assets, we will also be releasing picture editing and emoji messenger samples soon to help Boost YOUR Development,. no sign up, no fees, just download what you want at Developer Boost!


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  • Posts: 98
Our first addition to Stencyl App files, on Developer Boost, not just for games any more!


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  • Posts: 98
A few delays opening the new section , it should be active soon, thank you for your patience!


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  • Posts: 98
 Just got the first Stencil App, File up,  Here is the link http://www.developerboost.com/#!stencyl-files/q8214 Great foundation for an app layout on Stencyl!


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  • Posts: 98
Don't miss out on our VIP sign up, starting December 1st all VIP members will begin getting Premium Game Samples and assets and access to a secret content page! Totally Free on Developer Boost! Where we promote Stencyl developers and aim to Boost your production.


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  • Posts: 98
Three New Games this Weekend!!! Use Em How You Want To 100% Free 100% Royalty Free


  • Posts: 1617
whats the point of the client keeper? i am doing a version of this and was seeing how you did yours.. its the layout.. which is cool.. but theres nothing there to add photos or infor on your clients.. your way was to be hard coded, and the user cant add anything to it


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  • Posts: 98
It was released as an outline, It needs a lot of functions coded into it, but it is more just a design idea, My plan is to release everything I kept a couple unfinished projects to finish them, they I felt were the best, the ones Ill be releasing this weekend, along with about 100 full HD 3d modeled skyscrapers, cars and actors I have about 30,000 files to browse through so some of it will not be the most complete, however, it has potential, and it is not that difficult to add the functions it needs, with a days work it could have storing capabilities, and modification abilities, all of those functions are absolutely possible to achieve with a little coding know how, for me it wasn't the best candidate for completion, although, I could revise the version if you would like to see a working version within a  week or two accounting for my current workload and goal set for the month. I have no problem extending a better version if like just let me know and I will add it to my projects.