Follow Path Won't Stop When Needed


  • Posts: 9
Good day. It's been a week since my first time using Stencyl and there's a part in my game where 2 of my actors are moving. One moves left and right only (Lago19) while the other follows a path and it does so in a loop (Lago16).  After an event has occured, those 2 actors would stop their movement. So far I only got to stop the actor that moves left and right. I used the "set x-speed to 0 for [Actor]". I used set x-speed and y-speed to '0' for [Actor] to the other one but it never stopped following its path. What do I need to do in order for it to stop?


  • Posts: 9
After a whole day saerching and trying out blocks, I finally got the actor to stop moving.
I failed to see this "clear path block" in the first place. Silly me. Haha.  :-[
I attached the ss of the block if ever someone like me runs into a problem like this and failed to see the said block.