Problems on High Res Monitor


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  • Posts: 180
Like other java apps, I suspect, using Stencyl on a high res monitor on Windows, the icons and text are very small. Changing the screen resolution just scales the app, with it appearing the same physical size, but now with muddier graphics, due to pixel scaling. I'm working on a Surface Pro 3, but a colleague has a 4k monitor, which makes things worse. Any ideas on how to get the app to honour the DPI, rather than scaling itself to the number of pixels?

« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 06:07:05 am by DoctorMikeReddy »


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  • Posts: 2263
I would like to know this as well as I will be getting myself a 5k retinia from apple in January...


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  • Posts: 731
Don't worry about buying a 5k retina iMac - I'm using one and stencyl looks great on it - i've attached a screen grab so you can see the size of the text/interface elements.


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  • Posts: 2263
Woa... thats allot of space haha. Hopefully when i record my tutorials things will still be visable on youtube. Or can i downscale the resolution somehow?


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  • Posts: 180
And yet, both myself and my colleague have the text and graphics being tiny, and virtually unreadable/unusable. Glad you aren't having a problem, but we still are.


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  • Posts: 731
Woa... thats allot of space haha. Hopefully when i record my tutorials things will still be visable on youtube. Or can i downscale the resolution somehow?

It's a beautiful screen, but for stencyl, I'm sorely tempted to get one of these - the iMac will drive it as a second monitor - fantastic of long lines in Stencyl.


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  • Posts: 2263
Mike, perhaps you can try to use a newer build?


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  • Posts: 180
Latest build, which still shows 3.3.2 (?) full screen on my Surface Pro 3. The title menu text honours the "make it big" settings, but the icons and in-editor text are still the same :-(


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  • Posts: 180
Bear in mind that this image shows blown up when clicked here, but on the screen itself the word "Kits", for example, shows up at ~3-4mm and is virtually unreadable :-(


  • Posts: 1
Find java.exe (Stencyl\runtimes\jre-win\bin\)
Right click -> Properties
Go to Compatibility tab
Check Override high DPI scaling behavior.
Choose System for Scaling performed by:

then run Stencyl.bat