SteamWrap (for Steam Games)


  • *
  • Posts: 17
any chance you are going to add Steam DLC commands?


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  • Posts: 9473
Not likely since I don't plan to add DLC to my own games.  I don't even know how DLC would work for Stencyl games.


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  • Posts: 9473
I added a note about how to set up cross-platform cloud saves and also included an image of the configuration used for one of my games.


  • Posts: 90

About the Leaderboards:
Which of the three methods is used to upload the points?
ISteamUserStats::k_ELeaderboardUploadScoreMethodKeepBest ??

I'm interested in the first one.
If it is not this, is there any way to change?


Thanks for the extension! :)


  • Posts: 90
I'm trying to implement the plugin, but without success. :/
My game starts but gets stuck in the first scene (black screen), as if it could not execute beyond the code "Start SteamWrap with App ID: _____"
Error message appears on the Logs:

Level:     INFO
When:      2018-09-06 17:31:43:806
From:      stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler

[haxelib] Behavior.hx:104: Error in when created for behavior: SceneEvents_5


Level:     INFO
When:      2018-09-06 17:31:43:806
From:      stencyl.sw.util.StreamGobbler

[haxelib] Behavior.hx:105: Null Function Pointer

I'm on Linux, and I've tried other solutions listed here (like clearing the project and testing on a new project).

Any help?

« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 01:35:00 pm by filsdd »


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  • Posts: 9473
You're just using that one block?  And taking it out fixes the error?


  • Posts: 90
You're just using that one block?  And taking it out fixes the error?

Basically, yes. When I remove this code, the game starts normally.
I've attached an image of how the code is.


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  • Posts: 9473
Does it still crash without the "steam is running" block?


  • Posts: 90
Does it still crash without the "steam is running" block?

Not really! The game ran normally! :O
But I needed this functionality because my game is not just on Steam. Can you help me with this?
Anyway I'm going to test the other features (achievements, leaderboards ...) and report here if everything runs normally.
Looking at the Log, it looks like it detected that I had the Steam running:

[haxelib] SteamWrap.hx:43: init functions
[haxelib] Could not find primitive SteamWrap_GameLanguage__0.
[haxelib] Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 624690
[haxelib] Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561197995712807 [API loaded no]
[haxelib] SteamWrap.hx:116: Steam active
[haxelib] SteamWrap.hx:116: [STEAM] GlobalStatsReceived SUCCESS ()


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
Try the start Steam block first, then check if it's running after.


  • Posts: 90
Try the start Steam block first, then check if it's running after.

Thank you Rob! It worked now! :)
I tested it with Steam open and closed and it detected everything correctly.
Monday I'll test Achievements and then Leaderboards.

I return here with my results.

Thank you!


  • Posts: 90

Achievements are working on Linux. :)
Latter I'm going to test Leaderboards and Stats.

Thanks for the plugin!


  • Posts: 90

Leaderboards also work on Linux! :D
Stats I cant get to work. But that's ok! :)