Console support


  • Posts: 64

I'm using Stencyl for the last 3 years, it's great at what it does.

Are there any plans for support for export to the mainstream game consoles from Sony, MS, and Nintendo in the near future, or has anyone already successfully ported their Stencyl code accross to any of these platforms
by use of other / add-on toolsets?

All the best



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  • Posts: 2279
People using haxe have successfully partnered with wfEngine for exporting to consoles. I do not know how much progress they have made to make it mainstream.


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  • Posts: 17524


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  • Posts: 2279
This post lays out the current state of affairs.

Unfortunately it is from over a year ago. I am curious whether they have gone further with it. I do like how Stencyl was mentioned.


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  • Posts: 2181
This post lays out the current state of affairs.
I am curious whether they have gone further with it.
Me too.  I've searched around google for awhile looking for any updates on progress. I didn't find anything.


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  • Posts: 329
Could just ask the dude, his twitter is right there on the page.


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  • Posts: 2181
I emailed Lars ( the head or the project ). He replied that development is still active, and has been going continuously. He also mentioned that they were able to run projects on Xbox One, PS4, PSVita, and WiiU, though we are not quite ready to ship just yet. He said they plan on announcing some more information in the next few months.  I asked him somemore questions. This is what he responded :

1. Will these features of Console support be open to the public ( to purchase the special Haxe ) this year?
Probably! I plan on shipping my own game with it before the year is done. Can't make any promises but we should have some updates soon.

2. From a percent rate from 1 to 100 which percent is the development progress status at this point ?
Probably 75 - 90 percent.

3. What consoles is the development team specifically working on right now ?
PS4, PSVita, WiiU, XBox One.

4. Has the development team actually fully completed or close to completing any consoles yet ?
Nothing is 100% complete yet. PS4, XBox One and PSVita are the furthest along, though we have applications/demos running on WiiU as well.

5. Have the the development team able to test or work applications on the Nintendo 3DS and PS3 ?

Nintendo 3DS : no, given the low memory requirements we have found the Haxe garbage collector is a pretty big barrier, so we are focusing on everything else for now.

PS3: I believe this is doable, we have kits for it, and our existing work is compatible with it, but it hasn't been our top priority.

Any other questions you guys want me to ask him just let me know below.


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  • Posts: 2279
If they get it worked, could wfEngine be applied to Stencyl? I am not at the point of releasing on consoles, anyway, but it would be nice to have the option.

FYI anybody wanting to develop for consoles, it costs something like $10,000 to get a developer license and you already have to be a solid company. Colburt and AdventureIslands would probably be able to get in. I don't think that I would be accepted into their development program right now.


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  • Posts: 2181

you already have to be a solid company
Not necessarily , not by Nintendo. Via : , quote :
Do I have to be a company or have a certain level of development experience?

No, the Nintendo Developer Portal is for anyone interested in developing software for Nintendo platforms. No prior development experience is required.
-The Nintendo Developer Portal is for all Nintendo developers regardless of their size or experience.



  • Posts: 64
Many thanks for the replies folks and for looking into this further,

The feedback from Lars sounds very promising

hopefully the HAXE / wfEngine work will get completed soon and will translate easily across to Stencyl


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  • Posts: 2181

Via Lars (

Okay, we can finally announce this. Open_FL has an officially supported Nintendo Switch backend, which is what Defender's Quest is using. It uses current versions of OpenFL/Lime (no ancient forks!) and if you're approved by Nintendo you can use it for free.

This means that any library or framework that is based on OpenFL (such as @HaxeFlixel, which is what I'm using) works pretty much right out of the box.

It doesn't use any proprietary middleware, and it uses the same rendering logic & codebase that OpenFL uses on PC/mobile/etc.

So basically if Stencyl wanted to they could implement Switch support right now. The developers would need to be Nintendo Approved developers.

There is a long twitter thread, more info here:
And here:

@ Jon, What are Stencyl plans regarding this?

« Last Edit: August 09, 2018, 06:20:55 pm by Donni11 »


  • Posts: 1617
Its my dream to have a quality game on a nintendo console!  Im hoping to be good enough and approved by the time stencyl has support


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  • Posts: 4716
We shared Lars' tweets on Twitter at the time. The deal is, if any of our users can get approved as a Switch developer, we can then work with them to do anything needed to get that game running on the Switch.
For Live Support: Join our discord server and ping me @justin.
I'm most often available between 10am and 10pm Japan time. (GMT+9)


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  • Posts: 1401


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  • Posts: 2181
@Justin, will Stencyl start advertising this as part of Stencyl functionality?
