The top of actor 1 was hit - NOT WORKING ?


  • Posts: 70
Hey stancylers

For about 3 or more days I'm trying to get this done, this seems to be easy to do.
Is it a bug in stencyl ?

See attached...


  • Posts: 2262
I'd guess that it's because the collision shape is being turned into a sensor AFTER it's already collided with the tile. Try turning into a sensor on jump, then switching it again when the player starts to fall.


  • Posts: 70
I'd guess that it's because the collision shape is being turned into a sensor AFTER it's already collided with the tile. Try turning into a sensor on jump, then switching it again when the player starts to fall.

Thanks JeffreyDriver for suggestion but I need it only when the top side is hit


  • *
  • Posts: 2181
Happening to me too. The block just doesn't seem to be working.


  • Posts: 2262
Try adding another collision shape just a few pixels high above the main shape, and use that as the trigger.