Offering Free, Custom Made Pixel Artistry


  • Posts: 15
   My experience in professional pixel artistry is low and I'm looking for experience in testing and honing my skills. If you're making a game and need some custom pixel art renditions for free. While somewhat low-quality compared to paid and more experienced individuals, it's a free, quick fix.

- I will not accept a long term project, mostly sparse models and backdrops.
- Nothing but pixels here
- Again, iffy experience, still figuring out how to get things done

Some of my work:

« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 10:26:59 am by FireWolf3000 »


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  • Posts: 2720
Can you post image samples of your work?
I'm spanish, excuse me for my bad English.
I'm not a private teacher. Please, post your questions in the public forum.


  • Posts: 15
I'll update with some work soon, note that of writing I have not made any sprite arts or animations, mostly scenery that will be uploaded here ASAP. Again, you get what you pay for here. I have not mastered shading/ animating, though I am progressively moving forward in my skills.

NOTICE: Updated with some animated scenery GIF work

« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 10:27:34 am by FireWolf3000 »


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  • Posts: 2279
I really like the two darker scenes. What do you think about an underwater shipwreck kind of scene?


  • Posts: 15
BTW, I call the ones where the foreground is black "shadow" themes.

A shipwreck underwater scene? I could definitely try to appease. Give me some details and I'll see what I can do. If you would like to discuss the matter elsewhere, please give me a way to contact you.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 07:45:54 pm by FireWolf3000 »


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  • Posts: 2279
I don't have anything specific in mind. Here are a bunch of pictures for inspiration. It would eventually be converted into a tileset (or multiple tilesets). The tiles would be for framing out rooms that are either completely enclosed or with disintegrated walls.*


  • Posts: 15
I'll get to work and see what I can do. Also, what size/ resolution would it have to be in? I work natively in 300x300, but if you need it different...


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  • Posts: 2279
Any size is fine. Thanks!


  • Posts: 15
Alrighty, my brand-new, custom made pixel art background. I probably could have used a Sine Wave motion on the ships, let me know if you want that. Taking a look at Amiss Abyss (a previous work above) it seems similar but sparse in background objects. It may be less of an artistic/ pleasant background to look at by association. But anyways...


Shipwreck Shore! (Be sure to let me know what you think and if I need to change anything)

« Last Edit: February 07, 2017, 06:34:41 pm by FireWolf3000 »


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  • Posts: 2279
Really cute picture. Those bubbles look great. What did you use for inspiration for the bubbles? They have great life to them.


  • Posts: 15
Mostly some underwater guides I found. Imma work on it a little more, so I guess the first version is sort of an "Early Access" sort of thing.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 04:14:47 pm by FireWolf3000 »


  • Posts: 15
So here's the second version of "Shipwreck Shore". I tried to add more life to it, more plants, and the background was changed and (hopefully) made better. There's also a hidden surprise in the corner! I might try to add more detail to the ships and maybe another mast or two... it depends.


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  • Posts: 2279
Thanks for taking the time to do this! It give me some good ideas for my game.


  • Posts: 15
No one else has orders?


  • Posts: 1
Hello!  I have an order!

may you please make 32x32 map tiles to replace the ones here?  and also make a hamster tree clubhouse door?  I need sand, water, grass, tree, hamster clubhouse door graphics and if possible some scenery like flowers