Change Actors color in other bahavior


  • Posts: 70
Hi Stencylers,

I've been working with this for almost one hour, trying to change color of my particle, when ROCKET hits WHITE STAR the particles should be default WHITE and when it hits the YELLOW STAR the particle should change it's color to YELLOW.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 04:34:16 am by wolf2013 »


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
The "when created" of the actor happens immediately after it is created so if you want to read a value that is set from another behavior you need to move those blocks out of "when created".


  • Posts: 70
The "when created" of the actor happens immediately after it is created so if you want to read a value that is set from another behavior you need to move those blocks out of "when created".

nicee, it work : ) thanks mate