Characters 12-14 are now complete (Crystal from Christmas Time, Nursina from Poppytail 5, and Malhare aka Virus Nursina from the Easter Fun games). #15 (the first one for April) is in the works (Christmas Time's protagonist Protagonist) and #16's art I've been working on (Dragon-Fly from A Game About Trimming Hedges).
For some reason I have in my head I want to keep working on the playable characters for a bit, until maybe I get to 20% and then I continue on bosses. So, I'd be at about 12% once Protagonist and Dragon-Fly have been fully implemented.
An issue I'm having is music in this game. I'm thinking of using Eric Matyas' music for this project but I'm not sure what would fit the game. I'm sure I'll find some I like eventually.
This was the roster image I posted to Discord a while ago (with everyone except Protagonist and Dragon-Fly so far).
From left to right and up to down: Poppytail, Easter Bunny, Gremlin Girl, Alex, Nykolas, Nursina, King Ted, SLiM, Purple Shirt Guy, Kah Boom, Dream Fennec, Malhare, Rattlesnake and Crystal.
Anyway, I was also thinking about how much storage all this would take up in the game. The actor type for Protagonist was the 100th actor type for the game and I'm getting a little worried that maybe once I get into the higher numbers of characters Stencyl will start running out of storage or memory. The reason the characters are made as separate actor types instead of being all the one actor type like they were in Easter Fun 2 was to allow me to customise each character more, and having everyone be the one actor type would just be a pain for this game (EF2's with 64 was fine, but this game's starting roster is more than double that).