Okay I figured it out, and so far it seems to have solved the issue. I have Windows 10.
1. Go here:
https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html2. Click the circle to accept the agreement.
3. Click the link for Windows x64 that looks like this: jre-8u241-windows-x64.exe
4. Click the link to create an Oracle account, and leave the sign in web page open while you wait for the email. I had to wait about 5 minutes to get their required email to confirm the account and email address.
5. Go back to the Oracle sign in page and sign in. You'll get a message to save the Java installation file. Do so, and remember where you saved it.
6. Run the Java installation file and install the new version. It'll ask you some stuff, do what's appropriate.
7. Once the new Java is installed, choose one of the following, select it, and copy it to your clipboard:
If you have 4GB of RAM:
-jar sw.jar
If you have 6GB of RAM:
-jar sw.jar
If you have 8GB of RAM:
-jar sw.jar
If you have 12GB of RAM:
-jar sw.jar
If you have 16GB of RAM or more:
-jar sw.jar
8. Open up Notepad or something similar.
9. Paste the code you copied during step 7 above.
10. Save the file with a .bat extension, not a .txt extension. If you save it with a wrong extension, you can simply change the extension to .bat. You can name it whatever you want. I named mine Mr Poopie Pants.bat. You will not be able to save it in the required Stencyl folder, so save it somewhere else and remember where you put it. Then you can copy and paste, or drag and drop it into the Stencyl installation folder using Windows Explorer. You'll probably have to provide administrator permission to do so. For me the Stencyl installation folder is here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Stencyl.
11. Now whenever you start Stencyl, do so by clicking that file. You can put a shortcut for it on your desktop by right clicking it, then clicking Create shortcut.