T=tips to avoid mistakes i made
maybe i m getting old, or stupid, or both,
but after so long struggling, stencyl is still a mess in my mind,
events, attributes, triggers, scene behaviors, scene behaviors acting on actors, when, always, if and otherwise if, animations,
they r all spinning around my mind, and some few basic steps, are still missing.
Q-how long does it get to learn this stencyl?
i mean, i saw this english_kind_hearted_looking guy in youtube (Lense OnLife),
he created a folder called "extras" at stencyl's game's folder, places some things there, and they went directly in the game!
that was way a backdoor move, and you dont get to learn that just by trying events and behaviors...
this stencyl is way too deep and so full of rules..
sure i managed to create some very simple games in just a few days,
they work all right, but i went through so many wrong paths,
i need to fix them right, make the game as light and without errors as possible,
place all the "correct programming"
and for this i am asking your help.
some examples of the billion mistakes:
-creating so many actors, when all it s needed is to change their animation=appearance
-placing the moon from left to right, out going the screen, trying to make it start as loop again,
never worked, made 3 copies for it, i saw someone more clever than me, just recreating the actor,
solution? "make him ALWAYS active"
T=if actors are going out the screen, decide what to do with those, either kill them on the spot,
or if you will possibly need them again, make sure the y r always active.
sorry for this long intro,
but i really really would like to LEARN properly this stencyl.
now i made a simple grammar first grade game,
due to my mind's blindness,
i created 30 scenes, 60 actors, 30 correctly spelled and 30 wrong,
and all of them placed on the same (left or right) spot, every time the game starts,
terrible-horrible programming and mistakes.
i asked and was answered (thx Luyren) how to randomly place actor "corr1" either left or right,
i ve even managed to change his appearance to "corr2", when clicked.
but no matter what i tried, placing the 2nd actor "wrng1" where needed and change his appearance, does not work...
so what is needed, where and how do i achieve these:
-if actor corr1 is at x1 create, wrng at x2 otherwise if corr1 is at x2, create wrng1 at x1
-if actor corr1 is clicked, reposition randomly both actors, at those 2 spots,
and switch both actors to their next frame of their sprite.
thank you all in advance.