Are backgrounds more effecent that actors?


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  • Posts: 575
I have a large actor that I'm realizing could just be a background, but I'm trying to keep the scene from getting laggy so which would be more efficient?


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  • Posts: 575
Image?  Is that new?


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  • Posts: 575
Yeah, after you mentioned it I looked it up on Stencylpedia, but I found it confusing to say the least.  Is there maybe a video tutorial?


  • Posts: 2262
It's complex to get your head around at first, but as soon as it clicks its actually very straight forward.



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  • Posts: 575
Thanks, that had some good info in it, though not really anything about images.  Though I had a thought, are Tilesets similar to images in terms of memory usage?


  • Posts: 2262
Not sure. Backgrounds are probably lighter than tiles.


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  • Posts: 575
Ok, thanks I'll try that.

Edit, ok I got it to work, just this is basic behavior took sooo much trial and error.  Thought I better post it in case someone else has the same difficulty.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2020, 12:17:51 pm by ozz »