I'm trying to incorporate a leaderboard into my game, but I'm having some trouble.
I have an Apple Developer account, a Sandbox tester account, and within my app on Apple Developer, I've designated that I'd like a recurring leaderboard for high scores. I selected the options presented to me (i.e. named it, assigned it an ID, set it to Best Score High-Low, integers format, singular and plural suffixes, and duration of the board before it resets).
Within Stencyl, I have the player connect to Game Center. I know this connection is happening, as when I open the app, a Game Center banner appears telling me I've connected. I then have a leaderboard button on my main menu, which directs the player to a scene that I have designated the leaderboard scene. In my events for this scene, I have: "When game center is started: show leaderboard for [my leaderboard's ID]"
When I test this out though, and I reach the scene for leaderboard, nothing displays other than the background of the scene. There is no sign of a leaderboard. Furthermore, when I achieve a high score, it does not seem as though my game is sending the high score to game center.
Am I missing a step? Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Thanks so much for your help!!