Let's assume your screen only scrolls vertically. When your scene loads, create the invisible actor at the center of the screen.
Your actor setup is straight forward.
-When Updating, move the camera center to self.
-In a swipe Up event , it would be something like this:
If not Swiping AND (Y of camera + Screen Height < scene height in pixels)
-Set Swiping to true
-slide actor by X 0, Y [Screen Height] over [Time] seconds
-Do after [Time]
--set Swiping to false
-On a swipe down event, do the same, but on Y you will negate screen height, and the if statement would be something like:
If not Swiping AND (Y of camera - Screen Height > 0)
Time is a number attribute, not hidden.
Swiping is a boolean, hidden.
That's one basic idea. So long as you position your buttons in increments of screen sizes on your scene, they will appear to be scrolling as you swipe. You might want to do some math to create the invisible actor at the correct "page" if you want the scene to not start at the very top.