What are you working on?


  • Posts: 6

Think of the smallest and concise idea that you can. Write a short list (e.g. 3 such as run, jump and shoot) of game mechanics that you want to see. Write a short list of characters/enemies (again e.g. 3 such as player, enemy 1 and enemy 2). Throw them together. It doesn't matter whether it is the best game ever created. What matters is that you will learn a lot and actually be able to complete it.

For your first project, you need something that you can finish to motivate you to continue.

Hey..!!! I got some idea for my new game can you help with the story i want to develop one shooting but i dont what further i should to make game bigger and unique


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  • Posts: 2279
Hey..!!! I got some idea for my new game can you help with the story i want to develop one shooting but i dont what further i should to make game bigger and unique

Send me a private message (Inbox up at the top). We could chat about ideas.


  • Posts: 852
Some kind of isometric puzzle game.

Just gotta figure out how to actually make it playable, like being able to actually walk behind/under/up slopes stuff.

E: http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/30097    But with uglier art.

Reminds me of a game my friend released!
You should try it out


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  • Posts: 19
Hey guys,

I have the book Learning Stencyl which creates a Platform game from start to finish and I am going to be creating the levels for my own game during the development of the game. The main character will be a koala instead of a mokey. The game I am creating will be called The Lost Koala and he is lost in the rain forest and the goal is to complete the game and at the end the koala gets home.

I think there will be probably some leaderboards for the game when it is done maybe a  high score the whole game leaderboard. Not sure about the leaderboard but the game will be probably added to FGL when it is done.

I am thinking of about 30 levels for the game but there may be more or less and if I decide not to put the game on FGL and release it my self I may just keep adding the levels to the game every month and maybe even add a christmas campaign to the game during christmas time.

However more than likely it will be added to FGL and I may get a few dollars for it :)

The more important game I am wanting to create is a Side Scrolling RPG where you can enter buildings and you get quests and buy items and defeat some boss. This game will probably be self published seeing as I like the idea of it and it probably will be for the Windows Platform and I may try and get it on the Windows Store and Steam Greenlit. This will be a very very important game to me and there will probably be smaller games I create during the development of this game and it may take a while as I plan on having a lot of quests for this game.

Regards Wayne Rayner

Want to watch YouTube videos on awesome games https://www.youtube.com/user/wrayn3game

Want to check out the Indie Game Marketer YouTube Channel (Nothing there yet but will be soon) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNyALykqWFAksUQ5jNbzd_A


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  • Posts: 2181
Hey guys,

I have the book Learning Stencyl which creates a Platform game from start to finish and I am going to be creating the levels for my own game during the development of the game. The main character will be a koala instead of a mokey. The game I am creating will be called The Lost Koala and he is lost in the rain forest and the goal is to complete the game and at the end the koala gets home.

I think there will be probably some leaderboards for the game when it is done maybe a  high score the whole game leaderboard. Not sure about the leaderboard but the game will be probably added to FGL when it is done.

I am thinking of about 30 levels for the game but there may be more or less and if I decide not to put the game on FGL and release it my self I may just keep adding the levels to the game every month and maybe even add a christmas campaign to the game during christmas time.

However more than likely it will be added to FGL and I may get a few dollars for it :)

The more important game I am wanting to create is a Side Scrolling RPG where you can enter buildings and you get quests and buy items and defeat some boss. This game will probably be self published seeing as I like the idea of it and it probably will be for the Windows Platform and I may try and get it on the Windows Store and Steam Greenlit. This will be a very very important game to me and there will probably be smaller games I create during the development of this game and it may take a while as I plan on having a lot of quests for this game.

Cool idea :) !  You should post a game jornal topic here to keep up with your progress in the game :) . If you are interested in putting up a leaderboard in your game try this extension .


  • Posts: 1
Some fresh levels for my game :)


  • Posts: 88
Here's some updated images for the game I am currently working on. It is now in full-color instead of Chromadepth 3-D. I am revamping all of the graphics and animations.


  • Posts: 22
I'm working on a platformer tower defence fusion game where you complete missions to get parts to design towers in the 2 minute time period between invasions.  :)


  • Posts: 38
I'm working on a platformer tower defence fusion game where you complete missions to get parts to design towers in the 2 minute time period between invasions.  :)

That sounds like a fun idea! Do you have a project thread I missed?


  • Posts: 78
At this time im working on a fan based LOZ game called Lost Legends: A Dark World. It takes place after link defeats ganon in the first one. as he claims the triforce a portal opens up behind him and dark link emerges only to impale link and claim the triforce for himself. Then he takes the triforce and link to the dark world where things are polar opposites of the light world. link then wakes up to notice his new surroundings and a poe appears to guide him through his new adventure. I got high hopes for it cause I truly love LOZ its my favorite game of all time hands down.


  • Posts: 15
I'm in the very early stages of what I'm committed to being my first commercial game (I.E a game I get paid for) which will be a side-scrolling shooter with an emphasis on fast, skill based gameplay and earning new weapons and upgrades to power up your ship in order to replay levels and get the highest possible ranking on each level.

I may be a little ambitious for my first project but in truth this is the least ambitious project that actually excites me and motivates me and I've probably been putting off actually making a game out of fear of failure for a while now; I've done a huge amount of tutorials on Stencyl (Many more than once) and it's about time I take the plunge and actually make something of my own.

Will probably create a journal for the game when there's a little more progress to show.


  • Posts: 37
Creating an Open-world top-down side-scroller procedurally generated space exploration game.
Hiss hiss


  • Posts: 3
I am currently working on on-demand solutions which helps to boost the business and make them grow. I have developed many on-demand solutions till yet like.
1. Milk delivery solutions
2. On-demand flower delivery app
3. Salon appointment booking app

and many more.

Whatever you do just make sure it is unique
 Team InnovationDynamics