What are you working on?


  • Posts: 44
Working on my first Stencyl game.

A Zelda Fangame.. Coming soon.

Legend of Zelda: Triforce Recovery. The learning Stencyl is pretty easy.. My next stencyl game will be leaning towards iOS.  :)

Doesn't look bad for a first Stencyl game...

I've actually put this on hold to release Pitluff first, which was my first true Stencyl release.. Updating Pitluff next week with Valentine's Day themed levels..

I'm now working on my second game "Galaxier", which will be level-based featuring upgrades and things you can purchase with ingame money...

Galaxier: (First W.I.P images)

Pitluff: http://tinyurl.com/8y5uovn
The World of Pitluff (In Development):


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Just a mockup for now, but probably I'll do my next game with this art style. Any thoughts?
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Mao Rune

  • Posts: 17
@Manuel: That - is - freakin' - cool. I can imagine a certain type of interactive comic going on with this. Very interesting. Have you seen my threads for a game concept I'm working on?


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  • Posts: 763
Thanks. As for your game concept it looks cool. :)
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  • Posts: 71
I am working on something.

Expect playability toward the end of March. Setting up systems right now, there's virtually no content yet.


  • Posts: 2
A dungeon crawler like Dungeon Master.


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  • Posts: 4643
A dungeon crawler like Dungeon Master.
Ah you beat me to it! I had been tossing around ideas in my head about how to implement this for some time - I just don't have any time for development.

Anyway though, good luck - this interests me!
Patience is a Virtue,
But Haste is my Life.
Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 2
A dungeon crawler like Dungeon Master.
Ah you beat me to it! I had been tossing around ideas in my head about how to implement this for some time - I just don't have any time for development.

Anyway though, good luck - this interests me!

Yes indeed! Graphics will be a snap! Programing...will be the difficult part. It may prove to be too ambitious.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 01:25:25 pm by Rattle13 »


  • Posts: 591
Oh well, I'm currently trying to re-make the Text Box behavior in order to use it in another behavior, for which I could actually use the basic one with some tweaks, but I want to extend the functionality. Now that's crazy, isn't it?

But yes, snapping this whole logic is getting more and more complex, but I guess that's just the challenge splitting the text into lines poses (and it seems I won't have to use a single code block for that!). Not to mention that now I'm making text justification, and though I haven't really begun it yet, I also want to add a spacing between single letters, which would practically mean splitting each word into letters and draw each letter separately. >.<
So yes, you might wait for a new set of functions which you'll probably barely use, anyway! O.o'


  • Posts: 305
A metroidvania (one huge world, explore and collect new abilities..) with a focus on responsive fast platforming. Dedicated soundtrack by mucky88 is finished, most graphics finished :)


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  • Posts: 73
I'm currently working on two platformers that are somewhat similar. I'll give you guys a few hints:

1. they consist of two popular games from the late 90's to the early 2000's
2. one is very well-known, and the other not as much
3. i hope you guys like it

Now I know the third one wasn't a hint, just a wish for my games.


  • Posts: 591
In case you were wondering... yes, I'm still working on some text display related things, or rather, using this text display in something a bit more complex.

Hint: the original image for this background wasn't something which happened to have around the same size as the text inside (plus margins). It isn't a single image, actually. Woohoo!
Another hint: g.drawImage(...) is awesome. :3


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  • Posts: 73
Alright. I'm currently working on a fan-made pokemon vs. digimon game. it's a platformer, but I made two versions: one where you play as pokemon, and one where you play as digimon


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