Game: Fit For a King
Type: Rougelike RPG, Simulation
Rating: T
Made By: WeDiedByCyanide Studios, the Community

Alright, I'm making a game called "Fit for a King", Which is currently the working title. So far I have art done, Character movement, and a simple GUI. The next thing I need in World Generation, which will be my biggest feat. That is why I need you, the Stencyl community to help.
First of all, I need help making a Terrain that works in my game. The randomly generated terrain would be somewhat large(you'll get the idea of how big when you read on.)
Here is something about the world Generation I need to clear up.
1. CAVES ARE ON THE SURFACE. There is no digging down, so pretty much no need for "layers" in the world generation.
2. This one may be a little hard to explain. Some towns/fortresses/Cities are built during World Generation. But after world generation, Cities and fortresses and stuff are still built, in real time, wherever they are in the world.
I need a lot of things to randomly generate. Heres a list and what It needs to have.
1. Caves: Caves will sometimes have lava, rare ore, etc. These type of caves would be more rare. Most of the time they will spawn things like Copper, Coal, Cobblestone, Silver, and Gold, or other common ores, and have water. These would be common caves. I would want about 25 in the world generation.
2. Dwarf Fortresses. I would need to have about 6 or so on the map at first generation.
3. Ratman Junkyards. I want about 3 during world generation.
4. Elven Strongholds. I want maybe 4 or so during world generation.
5. Molmen Caves. I maybe want 2.
6. Goblin Camps. I want 4.
7. Human Castles. I want 5 of these.
8. I need things on the "Surface" to generate, too. I need Trees, Rivers, Etc.
9. I have an idea for "Stained" places, which randomly generate on the surface. Think about the Corruption on Terraria. It's like that.
How would I come across making all those things generate?
If I come up with any more idea, I'll post them here.
Edit: Also, I want people to drop Items/leave behind blood spots when they die, or If they die by water make the water bloody. How would I do this?