Genre : RPG
Rating : T/Teen
Developed by : Project Klowd
What is ZeroShade?
ZeroShade is an ever-changing game world that is being developed towards a heavy in-depth look of a Role-playing Game. The game is meant to have plenty to learn and fiddle with in-order to make the game something that lasts a long time with many attributes to keep the game enjoyable.
Features :
Personality/Alignment System : Based on how you treat the world around you the world will evaluate and systematically respond based on how you are perceived. This is not just a Good V. Evil system; multitudes of pieces that evaluate and formulate who you are.
Point System : Straying from the stale Strength or Intelligence this system has been expanded to offer more areas to place stat points. The allotment of these stats greatly tune the character towards what the player is looking for.
High Level Characters : Level caps being set too low cause characters to not branch out enough from one another. The level cap will increase until we run out of content to give the players while spreading out the content proportionally.
Classes with Depth : Instead of declaring yourself a Warrior, Rogue or Mage; the classes allow for more flexibility. The class that you choose hands you a layout of what is best for who you are "born" as. However, based on how you build your character your class will progressively curl around your choices.
Lower Zone Transitioning : Having to load a new scene every few moments breaks away from the gameplay. The game will operate in a Seamless World allowing the player to move freely around the world barely having to stop and load.
Freedom with Consequence : Being latched down and forced to move as the game wants you to causes a feeling of restriction. There's no defined path therefore you make up your own legend worth telling. However, make sure you plan how to do things because the game will adapt towards your decisions.
Planning on the Future :
As of right now I want to get the basic things done. Test the things I placed in the features list and make sure they work properly.
When Stencyl 2 and/or Extensions come about I'd love to try to get online functionality for this to be more of an Mmorpg however, this is not something I'm going to bank on from the start. For now, I just wish to get a team going so I can have a base to really get things moving forward.
Screenshots :
[None as of right now. Some will come at a later-date]
Team :
Index(Harmony) - Concept Designer/Project Manager
Kaytavo - Mapper
Aisuka - Jobless Nub
Neimo - Scratching Post
Scylla - The Cook
Misc. :
Website- [None Currently..]
Forum- [None Currently..]
Note: This topic is subject to change as development progresses. Not all changes will be logged so please be advised that not everything here will remain and new things will be added irregularly.