Oh well, could it be that iOS handles floats worse than Flash? O.o'
Also, I don't think nevs and sunflowers suggestions have anything to do with the conversion of the floating point presentation to a string representation of the number.
No, not at all, my suggestion just shows the workaround which avoids the whole floating point problem at all. O.o'
First of all, make the timer increment by 1 rather than 0.1. Then, make a text attribute "Draw time" or something like that - this is what you will draw.
Now, for the logic inside timer block:
do every [0.1] seconds
increment [Timer] by [1]
set Draw Time to [[ floor of [[Timer]/10] ] + [ . ] [ remainder of [Timer]/10 ]]
The blocks inside Draw Time setter are the text adders, not number ones. So if you have value of Timer 1346, it'll be like "134" + "." + "6" = "134.6".
Then in "draw text" block replace the Timer (which is now 10x larger) with Draw Time
And if it *still* produces weird results (which would practically mean that floating point representation of *integers* is poor as well O.o), apply the "round" function to remainder of Timer! ^^'