

  • Posts: 305
I dig the whole atmosphere and music, good job. Have to commend the artists as well because you made the tile-sets look very natural and not overly square/repetitive.

As far as business goes, unless you have a reputation beforehand, and the game is very unique (Binding of Isaac) i don't think small flash games sell very well. Like you said, the filesize is too much for flash portals, they usually want <5mb which is always a huge challenge for artists. If i were you i would do whatever tricks you can to reduce the file-size to ~5mb, and then get a sponsorship for world 1. Then you will have money, and can use the huge amount of feedback from that release to influence and improve the design for parts 2/3. This would also get your game played by the most people i think.


  • Posts: 875
why not try portals like steam too ?


  • *
  • Posts: 174
Yes we aim desura, indievania and stuff, I think steam will be very, very, very hard to reach (valve don't like games made with game creators as far as I know). We hope to sell the game for a very descent amount for 3 hour of gameplay. We just launch a indiegogo campaign so if the campaign goes well, maybe this mean players are ready to pay for a (very descent) flash game.


  • *
  • Posts: 174


  • Posts: 875
Yes we aim desura, indievania and stuff, I think steam will be very, very, very hard to reach (valve don't like games made with game creators as far as I know). We hope to sell the game for a very descent amount for 3 hour of gameplay. We just launch a indiegogo campaign so if the campaign goes well, maybe this mean players are ready to pay for a (very descent) flash game.

Steam hate game creators like stencylworks
Oh no NOOO !! Oh no ...Damned !!!!

ANyway thanks for the infos guys

Nice fan art by the way.


  • *
  • Posts: 329
I don't think Steam hates games made with game creators, Steam just loves making money so they're picky about what they go for.

So try it anyway, jol! Your best shot is just raising as much exposure as you can. Submit the indiegogo page to and places like that.


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  • Posts: 174
Yep I have send a PR to about 200-300 gaming website, but it seem hard to be featured. However somes fench website featured ecotone and somes others like :


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  • Posts: 174
Hello ! This is our first Music for Ecotone, please feel free to give us feedback on what you like or dislike.


  • Posts: 57
Man i really wish i could draw 1/100th o fhow goo your drawings are for the game.. Just compare it to my first game here, This is around my level of drawing (never been good drawing stuff, on computers nor paper).


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  • Posts: 174
Thanks you for our 2D artist Alexandre. His blog with great stuff :


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  • Posts: 174
update with this little artwork from Alexandre Bourdier's painting.


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  • Posts: 763
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  • *
  • Posts: 174
Thanks you :)

We also released a first music :


  • Posts: 22
The game looks great, you have a really talented artist there! I checked out his blog too, some awesome stuff... Wish I had about a tenth of his talent!

Best of luck with this :)


  • *
  • Posts: 174
News time !

Ecotone Ocean and goodies !

After a short while without news, it is time to write an article about the project. The Indiegogo campaign has now expired with the total sum of almost 2000$. This enabled us to pay licenses, insurance and perks. By the way, for people who participated to the campaign, you should have received a little thing in your letterbox. Even if we had set too high our goal, we didn't think  that so many people would be interested by our project and would be so generous. So thank you all of you !

World 2

As you can well imagine, the title refers to the current developpement of Ecotone. You are familiar with the first world, classic, with flotting islands, now here as a world premiere, take a look to the new environment of the world 2 and its 15 levels: The aquatic universe. The environment is still dark  with a suffocating/heavy atmosphere. You will get a close look at the bestiary for the next article.
Concernig the level design, it's pretty cool to work with this new environment. The levels are announced more particular than the first world's ones. Here some examples: "Manipulation of time, change in body, level with two players ..." But an image is better than a thousand words: as you can see the following animated screenshot of one of the levels of this underwater world.

As I said, the next article will concern the bestiary, without returning so much in the details to not spoil you the discovery. Same thing for the world 3 which won't be revealed.
So, to sum up, the World 1 is finished, the World 2 is about 1/3. Next big step, World 3 and first betatests. As usual, we're waiting your feedbacks and your gameplay ideas by comments or by email.  


Here a bonus, some Ecotone goodies : a great t-shirt (a birthday present) representing Ztnarf's fan art from Ztnarf
A huge wallpaper of Alexandre's artwork (you can have an idea of the size thanks to Chaton) overhangs the living room. By the way, if you had participated to the Indiegogo campaign and you haven't received a little post card, you have to complete your indiegogo profil with your address and send an alerting email here :

Otherwise, we (I mean Alex above all) made some wallpapers for your computer in 1980x1200 :

First one :
And the second :

There are also two Dreamscenes for people who want animated wallpapers :

You can find it here : (Right click save as)

The second one is here : click save as)

It is all for today, next soon !