What is your favorite food of all time?


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« Last Edit: March 11, 2011, 01:15:13 am by Irock »


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EDIT: I don't remember founding Stencyl.


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I haven't gotten around to making the Community Team badge.

My favorite regular food of all time would be Toro. But the one-off, best thing I ever ate had to be the politically incorrect crispy, pan-fried shark's fin pancake I had on Hong Kong.


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  • Posts: 2891
Pan-fried shark's fin pancake? I've never heard of such a thing. I can't even imagine such a thing.


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  • Posts: 3127
I'm addicted to cheese.
"Find the fun"


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Cheese is good, but I like bacon more (if we're talking about singular food items instead of prepared meals). In fact, my daughter likes bacon most of all too. She threw a fit in Waffle House the other day (she's 3.5 years) because the waitress brought out her food but didn't bring her bacon at the same time. She thought the waitress forgot about it so she yelled across the restaurant "Where's my bacon!?"

Meal-wise though, I really like a well-cooked turkey dinner. Bonus points if I get a drumstick.
Patience is a Virtue,
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Proud member of the League of Idiotic Stencylers; doing things in Stencyl that probably shouldn't be done.


  • Posts: 97
My favorite food is pizza! Because I play video games.


  • Posts: 1118
Personally, I'll eat (almost) anything, so to really have to pick out a favorite well, that could take forever, which is just about as long as it takes for me to order a meal at a restaurant. So many choices, so little room to fit it all.
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  • Posts: 74
Spaghetti. Can't get enough of it.


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  • Posts: 17524
Pan-fried shark's fin pancake? I've never heard of such a thing. I can't even imagine such a thing.

(Dried) Shark's fin has a very similar texture to vermicelli. Imagine if you pan-fried vermicelli in a pancake form until it was crispy. Now, imagine if that vermicelli, prior to pan frying was infused with the flavors of a very savory broth, and that's part the idea.


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  • Posts: 2891
(Dried) Shark's fin has a very similar texture to vermicelli. Imagine if you pan-fried vermicelli in a pancake form until it was crispy. Now, imagine if that vermicelli, prior to pan frying was infused with the flavors of a very savory broth, and that's part the idea.
That sounds really interesting. Now I'm craving something I'll likely never have. :D


  • Posts: 156
Oh, that's hard to choose, and I'm so indecisive! 

I like mulnengmyun, and chachangmyun, but I probably like mulnengmyun better (when it's made right), but then there's dukbokgee and steamed homemade dumplings and CHIPOTLE BURRITOS and-

I don't know.  I love food.  I know that.  XD  Soups and noodles have a soft spot in my heart.

<3 ali
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Probably an overused answer, but I can't deny a good pizza.