What is your favorite food of all time?


  • Posts: 97
Probably an overused answer, but I can't deny a good pizza.

Oh, yeah!


  • Posts: 1118
Probably an overused answer, but I can't deny a good pizza.

Oh, yeah!

Especially a really good Buffalo Chicken pizza. Out of probably 50 different pizza places I've eaten at, only 1 every made the buffalo chicken pizza perfect, lol and their only two locations are in my town.
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  • Posts: 97
Probably an overused answer, but I can't deny a good pizza.

Oh, yeah!

Especially a really good Buffalo Chicken pizza. Out of probably 50 different pizza places I've eaten at, only 1 every made the buffalo chicken pizza perfect, lol and their only two locations are in my town.

Same thing here, I love me my pepperoni, but there's only one place in town that serves it just right. Well, maybe two, but I have to use a pipe cleaner on my arteries after eating at the second.

Papa John's is the worst.


  • Posts: 323
My favorite food cannot be pinned down, methinks. I simply don't have a real #1, haha.

I like mostly oriental dishes served at Dim Sum places, and the traditional Chinese dish from time to time. Specially oxtail soup. Stuff is delicious. <3


  • Posts: 43
My favorite food is a tie between Pepperoni Pizza and the Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger, but I have to say the "Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger" is my favorite food of all time!

Nothing beats the juiciness and deliciousness of bacon, tomato, cheese, lettuce, and mayo on a well-done burger fresh from the kitchen.
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  • Posts: 21
Prawn Cocktail Crisps or Monstermunch Pickled onion crisps. x) Cannot live without either of them.
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  • Posts: 143


That means a lot to me...*sniff* :'(

But back on topic. Spaghetti, nuff said.
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  • Posts: 2
Pasta alla Carbonara, which is a dish made up of pasta of choice (spaghetti, bucatini, etc.), eggs, guanciale (which is a type of bacon).


  • *
  • Posts: 2478
Pasta alla Carbonara, which is a dish made up of pasta of choice (spaghetti, bucatini, etc.), eggs, guanciale (which is a type of bacon).

I hear Jon makes a tasty Carbonara. :)


  • Posts: 128
One of the two expert stencylers to have done precisely nothing to earn their title... Oh damn, he did something and got promoted. I need to get to work. Until then, I'm unique?
<Katana>: Blob: back me up :c
<Stevetheipad>: what's the "move pen to" block?
<Blob>: irock you are wrong
<Blob>: it's 2 against 1 we live in a democracy


  • Posts: 177
Lou Malnati's pizza- should you not be a Chicagoan, it's likely that you haven't had this. too bad


  • *
  • Posts: 2478
Lou Malnati's pizza- should you not be a Chicagoan, it's likely that you haven't had this. too bad

It's so... watery. Giordano's and Gino's are both way better.


  • Posts: 177
Those are both really good but I like the tomato sauce of the Lou's better