Looking for creative graphic artist to submit entry into "Stencyl Game Jam"


  • Posts: 21
I am looking for a graphic artist who can create quality art for a beta game. We will submit the game to Newgrounds "Stencyl Game Jam". You can play the beta version of "Traffic Lights" without the graphics here:


If we can make a good work, i am planning to work together on other game projects too.

Luke B

  • Posts: 8
Hi there, i may be able to help you out with some graphics. I have actually been keeping my eye out for a more established project with place holder graphics that i can help enhance. I'm not at home at the moment so not much i can show you unfortunately.

This is a team project that i am on that is taking a bit of a break atm: http://community.stencyl.com/index.php/topic,6596.0.html

I am doing all of the graphics for this one.


  • Posts: 21
Thanks for you attention, have you checked out the game?

At first place, the game needs a car graphic (later we will need truck, motorcycle, TIR, etc) and road and grass tiles.

Please let me know if you think you can collaborate.

Luke B

  • Posts: 8
yeah i checked it out nice and simple but challenging. i should be able to whip up graphics pretty quick. make a tile set and a few vehicles, crash graphics, effects etc. if you have existing graphics i can build over or supply an asset list with sizes i could do some test stuff up. just email or pm me details.