Stencyl 3.0 - Design Once. Play Anywhere. (Soft Launched on Feb 20th)

Future Freak

  • Posts: 412
Heh, while testing the different browsers might seem tedious to some, that feels like it will be an entertaining day for me. What happens in IE8... or IE6?

Goto:  - scroll to the bottom and click on the "IE Mode" link



  • Posts: 28
Ok so I´m not gonna rant about "when will it be released?".. and so on but I think an official status update would mean a lot and be greatly appreciated by a lot of people. A rough estimate, even if it is 3, 6 or even more months, would go a long way. Scirra has a close and frequent dialog about Construct 2 with it´s users and still seem to have the time to work with bugs and improvements (to bad Contruct 2 pretty much sucks anyway lol). I´m happy to continue working with my FREE Stencyl 2.2 (still awesome by the way) and when 3.0 is done I will purchase it and finalize my projects with and, hopefully, start selling games :) So throw us a bone here and then continue with what I am sure will be an awesome Stencyl 3.0



  • Posts: 15
i'm on developing game but need to export to android. currently i use AIR to develop the game.
i feel like waste my time if i code on AIR then i create again with stencyl.

is there a way for me to try stencyl 3.0?
or i must buy stencyl pro to try stencyl 3.0??


  • Posts: 2
Heh, while testing the different browsers might seem tedious to some, that feels like it will be an entertaining day for me. What happens in IE8... or IE6?

Goto:  - scroll to the bottom and click on the "IE Mode" link


Wow. That is a very impressive website. Probably one of the most innovative, best organized and best executed I have ever seen. Congrats!

That's in stark contrast to the childish "IE mode" presentation. It is unprofessional, in very poor taste and disrespects the talents and creative energy used to produce it. Shame. 

Future Freak

  • Posts: 412
disrespects the talents and creative energy used to produce it. Shame.

A lot of developers have a good sense of humour, if you've ever been at the end of a develpment chain with clients - you will have done your fair amount of shit shifting :D

Sometimes you need to let off steam.


  • Posts: 46

I think the pricing for 3.0 is still protected by the NDA so we won't be able to tell you.

Thanks for letting me know Dom.


  • Posts: 316
iOS ->          

Android ->
iOS -> Bubble Tapping
 Android -> Bubble Tapping


  • Posts: 20
At least 3.0 won't be as horribly delayed as Polytron's FEZ...
I don't have a Facebook.


  • Posts: 152
Lol, i just really dont get the whole Fez hate trend and i certainly wouldn't expect to see any coming from developers that know how hard and time consuming gamemaking can be, especially if you dont have a tool like Stencyl to make things easy.
Above all, try something.


  • Posts: 1938
This tool makes development faster and it does not require 100% competence in coding. As for the difficulties and time consumption, a part is due to my previous statement and I'm not sure if Fez had funding or not for its development. Most of us here don't receive money to allow us to to focus all of our time in development.

I'm just commenting on those subject. I've never heard of Fez since a few weeks ago when I saw the movie on Netflix. Same with SMB.  ::)


  • *
  • Posts: 9473
This isn't the "LOL Phil Fish sucks" thread; it's the "WTF when is 3.0 coming" thread :P


  • *
  • Posts: 718
it's the "WTF when is 3.0 coming" thread :P

When I start considering restarting my GameSalad Pro subscription, it looks like the wait for Stencyl 3.0 is going on too long.  :P
Michael Garofalo – Author of The Interactive Stencyl Textbook 8)


  • *
  • Posts: 1667
Lol, i just really dont get the whole Fez hate trend

Mostly because Phil Fish has proven himself to be a stuck-up, pretentious douchebag who has no respect for his fellow developers.

he comes off as a major shitbag in terms of what he says and does in public.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 05:12:34 am by twotimingpete »


  • *
  • Posts: 2891
Lol, i just really dont get the whole Fez hate trend

Mostly because Phil Fish has proven himself to be a stuck-up, pretentious douchebag who has no respect for his fellow developers.
he comes off as a major shitbag in terms of what he says and does in public.
This isn't the thread for that. If you want to talk about how much you hate a game developer, do it somewhere else.


  • *
  • Posts: 6
Looking forward to 3.0...