Stencyl 3.0 - Design Once. Play Anywhere. (Soft Launched on Feb 20th)

Mark Benz

  • Posts: 6
This would never had happend if I knew early adopters got that much.
Bet a lot of people would have subscribed if they knew.

The details of the special offer were made public on these forums.

Any chance of bringing this offer back prior to the launch of 3.0?  It would bring in more beta testers and an influx of cash.  Plus, these early adopters with a long-term commitment will have a vested interest in the long-term success of Stencyl.

One of the things that I believe could be very helpful to Stencyl (as compared to similar products) would be to have more "experts" in the forum to help new users.  These experts tend to be Pro users, in my experience.  A Google search of Stencyl and one of it's competitors (I won't use the name out of respect, but think GS) will reveal that the overwhelming criticism with Stencyl is that it is "too difficult" to use.  More Pro users to help the newbies on this forum, as well as advocate for Stencyl in other forums, along with the inevitable additional tutorials that would be created could really help the Stencyl community.

From my perspective, I just don't have the money to invest in one company's promise over another.  It's not like we're talking about buying stock with growth potential.  Instead, we're talking about the temporary lease of a product that doesn't quite meet expectations yet.  Until Stencyl (or a competitor) delivers on their promises, why would anyone on a budget start the one year clock?  Where is the incentive?

I would choose Stencyl as my Pro solution if the early deal were to be brought back because Stencyl's existing product and official communication exceed their competitors.  However, as is, I will wait for not only 3.0, but also the next versions of competitor's software until my expectations are met.


  • Posts: 438
Quick one:
"there will be the type Array[][] between the Global Attributes?"

That would be the more worthy feature i'd want in my hands.
Right now i'm using multiple lists to fetch data, but everytime i remove/add one element, i must check all other lists manually.
Currently working at:
Starwarrior 2097(my main project)
How to make successful games in Kongregate and the world(article)


  • Posts: 288
2 days left till the end of Q3 waiting  :o

Hope it comes in time but if it doesn't it just means that the team are making it better so if it doesn't I am fine with it
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

Audrey Hepburn


  • Posts: 199
seeing that the website/developers had already pulled out its Q3 announcement, i wanna ask the "beta testers"/paying customers:

is the 3.0 beta stable enough and worth opening a new bank account, a new paypal account, and  most importantly the 149$?

Future Freak

  • Posts: 412
seeing that the website/developers had already pulled out its Q3 announcement, i wanna ask the "beta testers"/paying customers:

is the 3.0 beta stable enough and worth opening a new bank account, a new paypal account, and  most importantly the 149$?

IMO the 2.2 at the moment is worth it.

If you put the time in and effort in - you can get results, I'm just doing my promo video and screen shots now for my first game which I've spent several months (just doing a few hours each evening) learning and understanding *how* stencyl works and how to get things done.

Don't expect to get a 2.2 game up and running *perfectly* in 3 yet, but the rate at which they are stomping on the issues and the responsiveness of Jon is amazing. To be able to make/design a game and then press a button to output it to flash, ios, android, html5, standalone etc. is simply amazing.


  • Posts: 199

Don't expect to get a 2.2 game up and running *perfectly* in 3 yet, but the rate at which they are stomping on the issues and the responsiveness of Jon is amazing. To be able to make/design a game and then press a button to output it to flash, ios, android, html5, standalone etc. is simply amazing.

I'm confused, when I first asked if 2.2 games will run on 3.0, someone said it WILL run.  so I was optimistic and decided to start working on my game in 2.2.  But then, another person said that yes, the game will run but the behaviors wont (or something like that), so I stopped (if the behaviors won't run, then what's the point?).

Now you're saying that 2.2 games will run, albeit, imperfectly?  I'm really confused.


  • *
  • Posts: 1960

Now you're saying that 2.2 games will run, albeit, imperfectly?  I'm really confused.

He said that they won't run perfectly yet - 3.0 is still in beta, so nothing is expected to run perfectly!

If you don't have access to the 3.0 beta, then I would advise carrying on development in 2.2 until an official announcement is made.
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


  • Posts: 76
Any news on support for the iPhone 5 resolution? I want my game to fully support the new resolution but I don't even know if this is something being worked on or not.


  • Posts: 288
Q3 is over waiting paitiently for 3.0 can't wait :D
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

Audrey Hepburn


  • Posts: 34
Can hear Q3 Swooshing by...Still no Stencyl 3.0... What now?
Part time gamer.Part time n00b. Full time Sci-fi Fan.

Future Freak

  • Posts: 412
Can hear Q3 Swooshing by...Still no Stencyl 3.0... What now?

You wait.

Or you can buy Stencyl 2.2 and get access to the beta now.


  • *
  • Posts: 88
I've been stopping by the Pro forums to smell what they're cooking and I can tell the features they are working on are phenomenal. It'll be worth the wait. Be patient.


  • Posts: 7
I need to make a game and i can't keep on waiting for 3.0

hope it comes soon

Future Freak

  • Posts: 412
I need to make a game and i can't keep on waiting for 3.0

Version 3 is technically the same features as version 2.2 - but with a new backend engine to allow to export to many different format.  As long as you don't use lots of AS3 or Objective C specific code - a 2.2 game should work fairly painlessly in 3.0.  If I were you - I'd start making your game now.