Stencyl 3.0 - Design Once. Play Anywhere. (Soft Launched on Feb 20th)


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  • Posts: 12
I know it's a few months ago now but wasn't the deal that accounts would be reset so that purchasing today would still give one a full year when 3 is released ?


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  • Posts: 718
I know it's a few months ago now but wasn't the deal that accounts would be reset so that purchasing today would still give one a full year when 3 is released ?

Wow, that's news to me. I don't remember reading that.
Michael Garofalo – Author of The Interactive Stencyl Textbook 8)


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  • Posts: 1960
I know it's a few months ago now but wasn't the deal that accounts would be reset so that purchasing today would still give one a full year when 3 is released ?

I don't recall reading that either. I don't think anything specific has been mentioned.

I hope not to offend anyone, but I really don't think it is helpful to speculate as to what might or might not be on offer when v3.0 is released. If nothing else, it may unfairly mislead people into subscribing because they are expecting something specific.

If someone thinks that an offer has been made, it would be sensible to link to the original post.
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.


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  • Posts: 12
Sorry, it is probably my incorrect interpretation of this,9592.msg59081.html#msg59086

alongside this from the Store FAQ.

What happens when the Android and HTML5 exporters arrive?
We will give our subscribers a special upgrade offer as thanks for adopting us early on.

I expect I'm just an out of touch and date numpty :)


  • Posts: 97
Looks right to me. No need to apologize.
- DarkKnightH20
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  • Posts: 23
Just to get something straight, if I buy now Studio license I get access to the 3.0 beta? Or is this offer expired? I need to start the development on two titles right now and am looking on possible platforms. I already finished one project in 2.2 version and it went pretty fine. For new projects I need something more flexible though as well as Android support. Can Jon or someone tell me if 3.0 beta can be used for production or not?


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  • Posts: 9473
Yes, any subscription will allow you to access the beta.  Despite the progress being made, I don't recommend it for production games, especially if you have a deadline in the near future.


  • Posts: 97
I would just create then in Stencyl as Proof of Concepts if I were you, and then port them once 3.0 is out. I imagine most of it will carry over to the next version nicely.
- DarkKnightH20
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>> Stencyl Guides
Current Game In Progress >> A Hack N Slash

My Studio subscription was for 14 months (ending in November 2013) so I think that means I get free pro subscriptions until 3.0 comes out. :)


  • Posts: 23
I actually intend to buy studio subscription anyways, since it was such a joy making the project I did in 2.2. It went almost flawlessly, if it were not for the size limits on the flash file, hence my no1 wish for 3.0 is data loading/offloading and/or streaming mechanisms for bigger projects. For example i don't see a way to do decent interactive novel in stencyl yet as the assets would easily top 500mb or more.


  • Posts: 27
Hi everyone, I've got a technical question about 3.0 so I think this could be the right place for asking
I recently downloaded Stencyl3.0beta and agreed the conditions including a not publishing promise for anything compiled with it before official release.
I also recently upgraded to Stencyl Ios-pro so this is my question:
I didnt installed 3.0beta on my pc yet, I'm curious about taking a look at it but if I install may I continue working with 2.2 (including publishing on appstore) ?
Best regards.

                                                                                                                       Marco Scaramelli
P.s. anyway I feel really grateful for this. Whit Stencyl you made my greatest teenager dream come true (even if games developing is not my primary job, even if I'm not a professional programmer, working with Stencyl make me feel great. Thank's a lot forever)


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  • Posts: 1960
I didnt installed 3.0beta on my pc yet, I'm curious about taking a look at it but if I install may I continue working with 2.2 (including publishing on appstore) ?

You can use 2.2 and 3.0 side-by-side. Make sure you make a backup copy of your games folder.

I would add that I am using a Mac, so I don't know what happens to 2.2 if you use Windows and install the beta. Perhaps someone else could answer that.
Visit - the only published book for learning Stencyl.

Future Freak

  • Posts: 412
I would add that I am using a Mac, so I don't know what happens to 2.2 if you use Windows and install the beta. Perhaps someone else could answer that.

On windows - just specify a different install directory (I date my directory names) when installing - I have 2.2 and *lots* of version 3.0's installed.


  • Posts: 1106
On windows i install beta to a different folder. And although they both use the same games folder, i have a process i follow when jumping between both versions.

If i have been working on my game in 2.2, and want to check it out in 3.0, i back up the games folder to .rar. Then i check it out in 3.0, see how things are going, whatever.. then if i want to move back to 2.2 i delete the games folder and unrar the one I saved earlier. (games being , the individual games folder inside the 'games' folder).

This way has worked best for me so far anyhow. :)

Future Freak

  • Posts: 412
I just open my game in 2.2 - save it out as GameNameV3, then in version 3 I only open any game that ends in V3 - as I know it won't damage the 2.2 version.